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2033660 - Truetype font replaced by different font on Windows print server


  • You use a true type font in your form.  When printed to a SAPSprint printer, the ttf font is changed to some other font.
  • This can be seen in the sapwin log file "Wanted - Got" section.  (See KBA 1780925 - 'Collect SAPSprint windows log files' regarding log files).
  • In the following example the sapwin_xxx.log shows that when printing an OCR ttf, on the printout the OCR font is replaced by an Arial font:
    • Create new font OCR A Extended
      New Font created, <wanted> got
      Fontheight:    <-100>  112  Internal Leading:   12
      Pitch & Family <0x00> 0x2f
      Name <"OCR A Extended"> "Arial"
  • The issue could effect any ttf font, the OCR to Arial shown here is only an example.



Windows print server


TrueType Font, Windows, Printing, Server, Spool, File. , KBA , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , Problem

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