- When updating the HANA revision, it fails with the blow error message:
- Error Message: Execution of "Update from single SP" failed.
- Exit code of the operation is 1.
- In the hdbupd.log, the following entries can be seen:
INFO: Checking sapinit
INFO: chkconfig reported an error
INFO: Starting external program chkconfig
INFO: Command line is: chkconfig -c sapinit
INFO: Program terminated with exit code 1
INFO: Trying to repair
INFO: Starting external program chkconfig
INFO: Command line is: chkconfig -s sapinit off
INFO: Program terminated with exit code 0
INFO: Starting external program chkconfig
INFO: Command line is: chkconfig -s sapinit on
INFO: Output line 1: insserv: script sapinit: service sapinit already provided!
INFO: Output line 2: insserv: exiting now!
INFO: Output line 3: /sbin/insserv failed, exit code 1
INFO: Program terminated with exit code 1
INFO: Starting external program chkconfig
INFO: Command line is: chkconfig -c sapinit
INFO: Program terminated with exit code 1
INFO: Installing sapinit
ERR : error upgrading
ERR : Upgrade failed
INFO: Summary of critical errors
ERR : Upgrade failed
ERR : error upgrading
INFO: Starting external program /sapmnt/<sid>/global/hdb/install/support/
INFO: Command line is: /sapmnt/<sid>/global/hdb/install/support/
INFO: Output line 1: insserv: script sapinit: service sapinit already provided!
INFO: Output line 2: insserv: exiting now!
INFO: Output line 3: /sbin/insserv failed, exit code 1
INFO: Program terminated with exit code 5
HANA database 1.0
sapint , KBA , HAN-LM-UPG-DB , Upgrade of HANA Database , BC-CCM-HAG , Host Agent , Problem
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