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2033908 - PowerBuilder RPCFUNC does not fetch the return value in OLEDB or ADO.NET interface when there is a RAISERROR


Calling a remote stored procedure (RPCFUNC) through the OLEDB or ADO.NET interface does not fetch the return value when an error is raised.

Consider the following SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_raisetest;1 AS
BEGIN DECLARE @errorvalue varchar(100) DECLARE @retvalue int
SELECT @errortext = 'My RAISERROR Message'
RAISERROR 12345 @errortext
SELECT @retvalue = -888
RETURN @retvalue

When connected using the OLEDB interface and calling the stored procedure the return value is not fetched and stays zero. The raiserror number is not stored into the SQLDBCode variable of the connection object.

SQLDBCode: 999
Return value: 0
ASEOLEDB [][Message Class: 16][Message State: 1][Transaction State: 1][Server Name: MyServer] [Procedure Name: sp_raisetest][Line Number: 8][Native Code: 12345][ASEOLEDB]My RAISERROR Message

When connected using the ADO.NET interface the return value is also not fetched although the raiserror number is now stored into the SQLDBCode variable of the connection object as expected.

SQLDBCode: 12345
Return value: 0
Message: My RAISERROR Message ErrorNumber: 12345



  • SAP PowerBuilder 12.5
  • SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise


SAP PowerBuilder 12.5


RPCFUNC RAISERROR OLEDB ADO.NET return value   , KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , Bug Filed

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