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2034156 - Singleton scoped beans dependent on tenant scoped beans - SAP Commerce


Declare singleton scoped beans that have dependencies on tenant scoped beans.

The downside of this is that Spring doesn't handle such situations and no warnings and no error will be shown. For example, a singleton bean which has a injection of TenantScope-based model service.

So when the system is started, first the global ApplicationContext is loaded and then in that context, the singleton bean references only TenantScope model service. So in a multi-tenant system, this scenario will not work because it is not possible to use the singleton bean anymore from another TenantScope, because ModelService doesn't belong to this other tenant and will not be set properly.



SAP Commerce


bean, scope, tenetscope, proxy, dependency, commerce , KBA , CEC-SCC-PLA-PL , Platform , Problem

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