You check the Account balance of a Supplier Accounts in the Payables workcenter Supplier Accounts view. The Account Balance of Supplier XYZ is 0,00 LC (XYZ represents the supplier ID, LC stands for Local Currency).
However, when entering the Supplier Account monitor and checking theTrade Payables- Invoices/Payments tab you notice two items which can be cleared against each other and balance to zero.
One of the open item is in status Partially Cleared and the other item is in status Open. Once selecting the Clear Manually option you receive the error message: 'Invoice DEF belongs to different clearing transaction; item rejected' (DEF represents the Invoice ID).
- Another error: Payment 123 belongs to different clearing transaction; item rejected (123 represent the Payment ID)
Note:This is applicable in case of Customer Accounts as well.
SAP Business ByDesign
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Clear Manually not possible, Invoice belongs to different clearing transaction; item rejected, cannot clear Invoice Manually; Balance of 0.01 LC; clearing not possible , KBA , SRD-FIN-ACP , Payables , How To
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