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2036541 - IQ Internal error. dflib/dfo_GroupBy.cxx 435 -- SAP IQ


On running a complex query, IQ will display the following:


IQ Internal error. Please report this to Sybase IQ support.
(dflib/dfo_GroupBy.cxx 435)
-- (dflib/dfo_GroupBy.cxx 435)
SQLCODE=-1006001, ODBC 3
IQ Internal error. Please report this to Sybase IQ support.



***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************

===== Thread Number 4244502272 (IQ connID: 0000008421) =====
I. 06/27 03:22:10. 0000008421 pc: 0x7f420935dc06 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*,int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x36
I. 06/27 03:22:10. 0000008421 pc: 0x7f420935de71 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x121
I. 06/27 03:22:10. 0000008421 pc: 0x7f420935f5b3 StackTraceForThisThread(char const*, int, char const*, char const*, char const*)+0x313

I. 06/27 03:22:10. 0000008421 pc: 0x7f4208c71879 df_Exception::df_Exception(char const*, int, df_Exception::df_ErrorCode, char const*, char const*, dfo const*, df_Evaluable const*)+0x449
I. 06/27 03:22:10. 0000008421 pc: 0x7f4208c734d5 df_Exception::ThrowException(char const*, int, df_Exception::df_ErrorCode, char const*, char const*, dfo const*, df_Evaluable const*)+0x35
I. 06/27 03:22:10. 0000008421 pc: 0x7f4208e83561 dfo_GroupBy::ReplaceFPVInVirtualCols(hos_vector, hos_vector, hos_vector, dfe_BaseColumn const*)+0x301  
I. 06/27 03:22:10. 0000008421 pc: 0x7f42090295b3 opt_Driver::ProjectOrdinals(dfo_VerticalLeafCursor*, dfo*, hos_vector_noerror const*)+0x7a3 
I. 06/27 03:22:10. 0000008421 pc: 0x7f42090296c9 opt_Driver::DelayedProjectionTransform(dfo*, dfo*, hos_vector_noerror const*)+0xa9
I. 06/27 03:22:10. 0000008421 pc: 0x7f420902966f opt_Driver::DelayedProjectionTransform(dfo*, dfo*, hos_vector_noerror const*)+0x4f
 I. 06/27 03:22:10. 0000008421 ******************* End of STACKTRACE ******************



  • SAP IQ 16 GA
  • SAP IQ 16 SP01


SAP IQ 16.0


change request, bug report, reported , , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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