- An application that worked fine for several months just started to fail with user login failures.
- CICS Auxiliary trace shows the following error at the start of the RPC Transaction :
XS 070B XSRC *EXC* CHECK-FAILED TSGX #DP21D1 FUNCTION(CHECK_RESOURCE_ACCESS) RESPONSE(EXCEPTION) REASON(NOTAUTH) SAF_RESPONSE(8) - Also seeing the following error when the socket handler sees that the the CICS socket was not taken because the transaction never started:
SYGWSKTH - Socket error - possible Maxtask or Maxsockets condition. Processing terminated
- SAP Mainframe connect for CICS Version 15 SP06
- IBM's Resource Access Control Facility (RACF).
SAP Sybase Mainframe Connect 15.0
KBA , BC-SYB-MFC , Mainframe Connect (MFC) , Problem
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