Too many checkpoints have been executed at intervals of about 3 or 4 seconds on secondary node.
Normal transaction processings are blocked due to handling excessive checkpoints. An ev_begintxn session has been lasted for about 3 hours at that time.
This situation caused abnormal status on secondary node for a long while.
I. 06/30 12:20:10. Starting checkpoint of "IQ_S1" (IQ_S1.db) at Mon Jun 30 20XX 12:20
I. 06/30 12:20:10. Finished checkpoint of "IQ_S1" (IQ_S1.db) at Mon Jun 30 20XX 12:20
I. 06/30 12:20:16. Starting checkpoint of "IQ_S1" (IQ_S1.db) at Mon Jun 30 20XX 12:20
I. 06/30 12:20:16. Finished checkpoint of "IQ_S1" (IQ_S1.db) at Mon Jun 30 20XX 12:20
I. 06/30 12:20:58. Starting checkpoint of "IQ_S1" (IQ_S1.db) at Mon Jun 30 20XX 12:20
I. 06/30 12:20:58. Finished checkpoint of "IQ_S1" (IQ_S1.db) at Mon Jun 30 20XX 12:20
I. 06/30 12:15:47. 0000000139 Connect: SA connHandle: 1000000127 SA connID: 22 IQ connID: 0000000139 User: dbo
I. 06/30 12:15:47. 0000000139 ev_begintxn started
I. 06/30 12:16:29. 0000000139 Chk
I. 06/30 12:16:29. 0000000139 ChkDone [NumTxnCP: 6]
I. 06/30 12:16:29. 0000000139 PostChk
I. 06/30 12:16:34. 0000000139 Chk
I. 06/30 12:16:34. 0000000139 ChkDone [NumTxnCP: 6]
I. 06/30 12:16:34. 0000000139 PostChk
I. 06/30 15:06:55. 0000000139 Disconnect: SA connHandle: 1000000127 SA connID: 22 IQ connID: 0000000139 User: dbo
- SAP IQ 12.7
- SAP IQ 15.x
- SAP IQ 16.x
ev_begintxn, checkpoint, grant , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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