IQ 16 version below SP08.01 will have a crash with following stack,
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 **************************************************
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 *** Sybase IQ Abort:
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 *** From: slib/s_vdo.cxx:845
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 *** PID: 27811
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 *** Exception Location: 0x0x7f810d5d9ed0
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 *** Error ID: 2054, Exception Type: hs_vdoexception
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 *** Thread: 224274176 (TID: 3, Original TID: 3)
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 *** Error #: 2, O/S Error #: 0
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 **************************************************
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 ** Error from IQ connection: SA connHandle: 20 SA connID: 10 IQ connID: 0000000236 User: fusiond
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 ** Time of error: 2014-03-18 11:09:21
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 ** IQ Version: Sybase IQ/16.0.0/131122/P/sp03
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 ** OS info: IQ built on: Enterprise Linux64 - x86_64 - 2.6.18-194.el5, Executed on: Linux/lid76a1/2.6.32-358.18.1.el6.x86_64/#1 SMP Fri Aug 2 17:04:38 EDT 2013/x86_64
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 ** Command status when error occured: COMMAND ACTIVE
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 ** Command text:
call "xxx"."XXXX_SIDS"('ICA',5080,'LID79A1')
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 Dump all thread stacks at oslib/hos_throw.cxx:313 for PID: 27811
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236
***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236
===== Thread Number 224274176 (IQ connID: 0000000236) =====
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f8095876ef6 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x36
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f8095877161 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x121
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f80958783ae DumpAllThreads(char const*, unsigned int, int)+0x12e
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f8095609000 hos_ABORT(char const*, unsigned int, hos_exception const&, char*, char*)+0x2a0
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f8095859351 Throw(hos_exception const&)+0x3e1
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f809619bbe1 hs_vdo::Insert(void const*, int, void const*, unsigned long)+0x8d1
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f80962ae7c6 s_dpNBit::UpdateTokenVdo(int)+0x706
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f8095a82fd4 hs_dp::ConvertDictionaryFrom15x(s_columnDesc*, hs_vdo*)+0x5f4
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f8095a82fd4 hs_dp::ConvertDictionaryFrom15x(s_columnDesc*, hs_vdo*)+0x5f4
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f8095a85fd2 hs_dp::hs_dp(db_IndexDef*, s_openmode, char const*, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int)+0xb82
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f80963a4cad db_IndexDef::OpenSIndexWithLock(unsigned int)+0x1dd
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f80964e6329 db_IndexDef::OpenSIndex(unsigned int)+0x345
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f80963a62ea db_IndexDef::OpenSIdxInsert(unsigned int)+0xaa
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f80951b22ca df_IdxDefAndInserter::df_IdxDefAndInserter(db_IndexDef*, int, int)+0x14a
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f80951b841e df_Table::AddIndexDef(db_IndexDef*, int)+0xae
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f80955dfcaf opt_Load::OpenSingleColumnIndexes(dfe_BaseColumn*, df_Table*, opt_QueryExp*, int, int)+0x3f
I. 03/18 11:09:21. 0000000236 pc: 0x7f80955dfe88 opt_Load::AddConstantColumns(opt_QueryExp*)+0x88
SAP IQ 16.0
"s_dpNBit::UpdateTokenVdo", "nBit" , , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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