You are using the BPM Odata Service.
You want to develop an scenario similar to the following:
A. You want to use the Function "CreateSubstitutionRule" of the Service.
This is a POST-Method to create a Substitution in the BPM Framework.
This Function does not work.
Other functions from substitution management like delete, enable, create do not work either.
B. You get all your BPM-Tasks with Taskcollection but now a second User activated you as his/her substitute. You expect that your TaskCollection shows you all the Tasks of your substitute, but he/she just delivered you the tasks that are in status "READY". The Tasks which are in status "RESERVED" were not shown in the TaskCollection.
Beside this the property "SubstitutedUser" of the "READY" Tasks from your substitute is always initial.
You expected the name or the User of your substitute.
You are in an Integration scenario using ODATA REST service from BPM.
BPM OData Service TaskCollection BPM-OData CreateSubstitutionRule , KBA , odata , bpm , taskcollection , substitution rules , bpm odata service , createsubstitutionrule , BC-BMT-BPM-DSK , Process Desk , Problem
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