- Opening a workbook with BEx Analyzer is very slow or causes BEx Analyzer to crash. Opening the same workbook in Excel without BEx AddInn works fine.
- Depending on the number of cell styles in a workbook the performance of BEx Analyzer decreases as certain calls to Excel get very slow.
- The amount of cell styles can be checked via the Home ribbon's Styles section where there is a drop down button called Cell Styles. Clicking on this button opens the drop down that shows all styles in the workbook. If this drop down contains a large number (hundreds or thousands) of styles then this is a clear indication that this could be the cause for the poor performance.
- There are cases where copying and pasting cells/worksheets from one workbook to another cause Excel to add new styles to the workbook. This is sometimes referred to as "Custom Style Explosion".
- Usually the majority of the styles is not even used in the workbook. Therefore deleting the styles will solve the problem.
- Please also see the following entries in the Microsoft Knowledge Base which describes a different symptom but the same root cause: -
Opening a workbook is no longer possible, user receives error message "Workbook is Corrupt".
- BEx Analyzer
- SAP Netweaver All Versions
SAP NetWeaver all versions
SAPBEX , KBA , BW-BEX-ET-WB-7X , 7.x Analyzer Frontend , Problem
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