Try to login to an
This application is deployed through SAP HANA Demo Model 1.0. It uses the formLogin application that is deployed through the HANA_XS_BASE.tgz delivery unit.
XS application that uses form authentication.
For example:
1) Import the SAP HANA Demo Model 1.0 delivery unit.
2) Go to the URL: http://HOSTNAME:8000/sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui/poworklist/poWorklist.html and then try to login.
3) Nothing will happen. If you use an http trace tool (such as Fiddler2) you can see there is an HTTP 500 exception with an error: 'Failed to load resource'
xs engine login formlogin blank , KBA , HAN-STD-DEV-EPM , SAP HANA EPM Modeler , Problem
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