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2040183 - Pilot: Error: You are attempting to store value <Val>, outside of this range, while using the num_to_interval function on a value that lies outside the 32 bit integer range


  • Error while using the num_to_interval function on an integer value that is greater than 2 e32 (32bit)
  • Full error: An integer's range is <-2147483648> to <2147483647>. You are attempting to store value <2903295600>, outside of this range. To 7288 3432 RUN-053004 7/9/2014 3:25:08 AM successfully store it, you must change the field's data type.



  • SAP Data Services 4.2
  • All Supported platforms


SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 ; SAP Data Services 4.2


KBA , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , Bug Filed

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