SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2040886 - Report Customer Contract Volume Shows the Invoiced Quantities and Values as Zero


You are viewing the report Customer Contract Volume. You notice that for some contracts, the key figure Invoiced Value or Invoiced Amount show the value zero. However, there are invoiced quantities / values for these contracts and you expect them to be shown in the report.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open the report Customer Contract Value from the work center it is assigned to, for example Sales Orders.
  2. Go to Settings > Key Figures and select the key figure Invoiced Quantity.
  3. Check the value that is displayed in this key figure. It is zero in some cases although there are invoiced values in the system.


If the contract resulted in a sales order, the invoiced values and quantities are considered to be invoiced against the sales order, not the contract. They will thus not appear in the report Customer Contract Volume.


If you would like to report on those invoiced values and amounts, you can use the report Sales Order Volume.


KBA , zero , invoicing , 0.00 , no value , zéro , rapport , invoiced value of contracts , facturé , AP-RC-ANA , C4C, ByD, Travel: Analytics Tools & Frameworks , How To


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