- restart of the SAP IQ server fails immediately with error message "Cannot find the language resource file (dblgen12.res)"
- The issue will also be seen by simply running start_iq -v or iqsrv15 -v to just get the version string, or using utility tools like dbtran.
- No messages get written to either the iqmsg file, srv server log or std error file. No stack trace is produced and no core file is produced.
- AIX Unix
- IQ 15.2 and higher
SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.2 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4 ; Sybase IQ 12.7
dblgen12.res dblgen_iq12.res IQ startup file system cio crash abort iqsrv15 iqsrv16 , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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