- Under the following conditions, the ASE log may show inconsistent time stamps that jump ahead by several hours and then return to the proper time:
- ASE 15.7 on Solaris 10.x prior to update 11 (Generic_147441-23).
ASE running in kernel threaded mode.
Under these conditions, the ASE error log may show occaisional timestamps that "jump ahead". That is, the error log timestamp increases by several hours for a period of time and then returns to the proper time. For example, the timestamp of 11:02 may jump to 17:30 and then return to 12:38, as shown below:
2014/04/17 10:51:10.83 server Increase the config parameter 'number of open partitions' to avoid descriptor reuse. Reuse may result in performance degradation.
2014/04/17 11:02:08.77 Logon Login failed : User mgoff, Client IP address: '', Appname: SAM 6.2700, Progname: CT-Library, Progversion:, TdsVersion:
2014/04/17 17:30:57.31 kernel Begin processing to generate RSA keypair.
2014/04/17 17:30:57.35 kernel Completed processing to generate RSA keypair.
2014/04/17 12:38:07.29 Logon Login failed : User bhoffman, Client IP address: '', Appname: Rapid SQL, Progname: CT-Library, Progversion:, TdsVersion:
2014/04/17 12:47:32.68 Logon Login failed : User alyle, Client IP address: '', Appname: VBUS, Progname: CT-Library, Progversion:, TdsVersion:
2014/04/17 12:47:56.77 Logon Login failed : User alyle, Client IP address: '', Appname: VBUS, Progname: CT-Library, Progversion:, TdsVersion:
2014/04/17 13:06:36.76 Logon Login failed : User pcarpenter, Client IP address: '', Appname: VBUS, Progname: CT-Library, Progversion:, TdsVersion:
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
threaded mode, timestamps, open partitions , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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