In seldom cases inconsistencies in indexes of an InfoObject can occur in SAP BW Accelerator (BWA). This leads to different results for the affected queries in BWA and non BWA usage.
Detailed analysis of inconsistencies can be done with transaction LISTCUBE in a very convenient way.
- SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator 7.20
- SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator 7.00
BIA, SAP NetWeaver BI Accelerator, TREXADMIN, TREX_ADMIN, inconsistencies between BWA and database, navigation attribute, X table, Y table, SID table, Inkonsistenz , KBA , BC-TRX-BIA , TREX BI Accelerator , BW-BEX-OT-BIA , BW Accelerator , How To
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