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2047071 - Promotion management clearcase service does not start


  • After recent patching activity, the Adaptive processing server (APS)  is "running with errors" after startup.
  • The Promotion management ClearCase Service on this APS show the following message "The service did not start". But the promotion management service is started
  • The issue started after uninstalling a higher patch. Repairing the install does not fix the issue.



  • ERROR # 1:  The APS logs show following error
    • LCMClearCaseServiceOCCA2 service.
      at com.businessobjects.framework.servers.platform.modules.availability.AvailabilityModule.process( at com.businessobjects.framework.servers.platform.deployment.DeploymentEngine.execute( …

      Failed to start service LCMClearCaseServiceOCCA2
      java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not process deployment module at com.businessobjects.framework.servers.platform.deployment.DeploymentEngine.execute( …..
  • ERROR # 2  If the issue is after a fresh install or patch install or recreating a SIA or a result of patching activity, the AddNode logs (in logging folder) show errors similar to the following -
    • Cannot commit ServerIntelligence_Service_LCMClearCaseServiceOCCA2Service_dfo.xml. The DFO data is older than the DFO in the repository. The following properties are causing the problem:  SI_DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR.SI_AVAILABILITY_PROPERTY.





SAP BI platform 4.x
SAP BI Platform IPS 4.x


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1


BI 4.0 4.1 4.x LCM Promotion Management service subversion clearcase fail corrupt cmsdb , KBA , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem

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