You would like to know whether it is possible to influence the behavior of the GR_NON_VAL flag on the SRM side
You have different ECC releases and you would like to develop your own logic only once, on the SRM side
- SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) 7.0 and higher
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Supplier Relationship Management
SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0
EBP, PO, vendor flag , KBA , customizing , srm server 700 701 702 , vendor flag , gr_non_val , SRM-EBP-CUS , Customizing , SRM-EBP-POR , Local Purchase Order , How To
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