A semantically partitioned object (SPO) is used within a multiprovider or composite provider. Upon activation or transport of those objects, errors are occurring.
1. Multiprovider:
In case of a multiprovider, the indexserver trace file would contain the following errors:
e CalcEngine ceCalcScenarioModeler.cpp(00417) : The following errors occured: Inconsistent calculation model (34011) Details (Errors): - CalculationNode (ZHAPML): ColumnView SAP<SID>:0BW:BIA:<SPONAME> not found (cannot get catalog object). |
The log of the after import method shows the following error message:
RSDD_HDB_INDEX003: Creation of column view for XXX failed
This error is also reflected in the activation log of the multiprovider in transaction RSA1:
The long text of the error includes the reference to the indexserver trace file:
Please note that even if the creation of the column view for the multiprovider fails, the actual object that is responsible for the error is the SPO.
2. Composite Provider:
Regardless of the scenario in question, the following column views have been created in the database for the SPO:
select view from views where view_name = '0BW:BIA:<SID>:<SPONAME>' and view_type in ('OLAP','CALC'); |
BW 7.4 on HANA
RSDD_HDB_INDEX003, RSDD_HDB_INDEX 003, CL_RSDD_CS_CALCSCENARIO, TREX_EXT_CREATE_CALC_SCENARIO, CL_RSDD_HDB_INDEX, "EC:2048'column store error: fail to create scenario: [34011] Inconsistent calculation model;calculationNode (&1):ColumnView", rs_alvl_mpro_after_import , transport , KBA , HAN-DB-ENG-BW , SAP HANA BW Engine , BW-BEX-OT , OLAP Technology , BW-WHM-DST , Data Staging , BW-WHM-DBA-COPR , CompositeProvider (local version) , BW-WHM-DBA-MPRO , MultiProvider , Problem
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