The field BSEG-ZTERM is not available, so it is not possible to enter payment terms for special G/L postings.
The Terms of payment (cash discount terms) cannot be entered for special G/L operations, regardless of how the field status bar is configured.
- SAP_APPL 600
- SAP_APPL 602
- SAP_APPL 603
- SAP_APPL 604
- SAP_APPL 605
- SAP_APPL 606
- SAP_APPL 616
- SAP_FIN 617
- SAP_FIN 618
- SAP_FIN 700
- SAP_FIN 720
- SAP_FIN 730
- S4CORE 100
- S4CORE 101
- S4CORE 102
- S4CORE 103
- S4CORE 104
- S4CORE 105
- S4CORE 106
- S4CORE 107
- S4CORE 108
BSEG-ZTERM, ZTERM, not available, nicht verfügbar, special G/L, down payment request, SAPMF05A 303, SAPMF05A 301, Anzahlungskonto, Anzahlungsforderung, Sonderhauptbuchkennzeichen, FB02, FB01, F-47, FB60, FB65, FB70, FB75, down payment, anticipo, discount, skonto, sconto, conto, speciale , KBA , FI-AP-AP-A , Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger , FI-AR-AR-A , Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger , FI-GL-GL-A , Posting/Clearing , How To
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