The content of the CT_LOG_LAST_ARCHIV_INFO in ct_config table becomes longer every time the General options dialog box is opened.
Eventually the content value is too large for the column and the error below is recorded in the ct_server log.
05-05-14 09:27:07 PID=10092 THD=14488 USR=noUser MSG=10027 ERROR system.database - ORA-12899: value too large for column "FC"."CT_CONFIG"."NAME" (actual: 257, maximum: 255)
And it is suspected to be preventing the Multi-User mode from working properly.
SAP Financial Consolidation(FC) 10.0
multiuser, read-only, increase, EPM, SAP Financial Consolidation, BFC, BOFC, FC, SBOP FINANCIAL CONS. , BOBJ FINANCIAL CONS. , KBA , EPM-BFC-REP , Data Entry , Problem
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