- Deploying a star schema from a SQL Server database to an Oracle database doesn’t work
- The following error message is displayed:
'Star Schema,Star1,Processing of dimension 'Category' failed. Data not copied into Star Schema table 'XXX_CATEGORY'.Star Schema,Star1,The OLE DB provider
"OraOLEDB.Oracle.1" for linked server "XXXX"supplied inconsistent metadata for a column. The column "NAME" (compile-time ordinal 3) of object ""XXX"."XXX_CATEGORY"" was reported to have a "LENGTH" of 12 at compile time and 24 at run time.
Star Schema,XXX,Cannot deploy star schema for deployment 'Star1' with 'Star1' table prefix
Star Schema,XXX,Star schema building of 'XXX' deployment with 'XXX' table prefix failed.'
SAP Financial Consolidation (FC) Cube Designer (CD) 10.0
KBA , EPM-EA-DES , Designer , Bug Filed
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