- Transaction MR11 is used to do the GR/IR clearing. There is no quantity difference between the total GRs and total IRs. However, the WRX posting is not corresponding to the original document.
- F.13 is required to be used for an automatic GR/IR clearing due to mont-end/year-end processing. However, this is not possible due to different reasons: the GR's GR/IR clearing account (WRX) is not the same as the corresponding IR's GR/IR clearing account (WRX), or, the accounts are the same but they are showing different total amounts.
- Message number CKMLGRIR009 "No data selected. Check selection parameters" is displayed when performing MR11.
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- Materials Management (MM)
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
MR11, F.13, GR/IR clearing account, Verrechnungskonto, automatic clearing, automatisches Ausgleichen GRIR, WRX, unbalance, post automatically only, automatische Buchung, amount, Wert, amount in local currency, Wert in Hauswährung, G/L account, Sachkonto, year end closing, month end closing, Abschluss, CKMLGRIR009, CKMLGRIR 009, amount difference, Wertdifferenz, quantity difference, Mengendifferenz, difference, Differenz, quantity, Menge, balance, Saldo , KBA , gr/ir clearing account , f.13 , gr/ir , mr11 , post automatically only , g/l account , wrx , unblance , amount in local currency , automatic clearing , MM-IV-CA , G/L Clearing Account Maintenance , FI-GL-GL-A , Posting/Clearing , How To
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