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2050368 - SAP FS-TRBK: Error FIPR_PROD_ADMIN284 "Outside of the source system, you can only change the description" while product changing


You imported a bank product from one system to the other one using a transport request. When you try to modify/delete the imported product in the new system the following error message appears: "Outside of the source system, you can only change the description". (Message no. FIPR_PROD_ADMIN284)



SAP Banking: Banking Services from SAP 5.0 and higher


banking services from SAP 5.0 ; banking services from SAP 6.0 ; banking services from SAP 7.0 ; banking services from SAP 8.0 ; banking services from SAP 9.0


FIPR_PROD_ADMIN, 284, package FSPR_PROD_ADMIN_Y, Fix Term deposits, loan, migrate, landscape transit, new environment, 2, two, several, change customizing , KBA , FS-AM-PR-PR , Product Definition , Problem

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