You are trying to update contact details for an existing customer using Mass Data Maintenance, but the import fails with one or more of the following errors:
- "Missing key specification for processing node <BUSINESS_PARTNER_RELATIONSHIP ROOT>Update not possible; existing data for <CONTACT_PERSON> not fully specified"
- "Only list complete transmission (LCTI) allowed for CUSTOMER-CONTACT_PERSON - CONTACT_PERSON_CTI"
- SAP Cloud For Customer
- SAP Business ByDesign
SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions
Customer Contacts, Migration Tool, mass data maintenance, error message, BUSINESS_PARTNER_RELATIONSHIP ROOT, Update not possible, CONTACT_PERSON, Massendatenbearbeitung, Ansprechpartner, Kunde, nicht möglich, Fehlermeldung , KBA , update contacts , update not possible , business_partner_relationship root , SRD-CC-MIG-DMC , Migration: Tool , How To
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