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2051964 - SAP IQ - Server crashed when a user ran query in Interactive SQL with queryplan view enable


  • IQ server crashed and generated a standard IQ stack trace file. Example:
  • In the stacktrace file, the following error and stack can be seen:
  • **  Error from IQ connection:  NONE    **  Time of error:  2014-08-05 15:44:40    **  IQ Version:  Sybase IQ/12.7.0/111031/P/ESD 5.12    **  OS info
    :  IQ built on: Sun_svr4/OS 5.9,  Executed on: SunOS/sppmd571/5.10/Generic_142909-17/sun4u    **  Command status when error occured:  NO COMMAND OR CURS
    OR ACTIVEDump all thread stacks at st_server.cxx:1201 for PID: 5174
    ***************** This is the STACKTRACE **************
     void DumpAllThreads
     void hos_ABORT
     void DFPlanVisitor::OutputShortPlan(a_dfo_root*)
     unsigned query_message_expr(a_db_cursor*,PlanInfo*,UTOStream&)
     void dbi_access_plan(an_expr*,int)
     an_expr*an_ExprBuilder::initStandardFunction(a_builtin_node*,const char*,unsigned)
     unsigned DB_Build_simple_cursor(a_db_cursor*,a_statement*)
     void dbi_describe_statement(a_stmt*,unsigned short,unsigned short,a_cursor_spec*,unsigned*)
     void db__describe_output(Connection*,an_sqlpres_receive*)
     void RequestProcedure::call()
     void Context::call(Procedure*,Context**)
     void Worker::call_on_stack(Procedure*)
     void TopProcedure::call()
     int Worker::spawn(Procedure*)
     void Stream::handle_ind(unsigned char,unsigned)
     void Stream::execute()
     unsigned RQBaseItem::do_work(Worker*)
     void DeferredCall::worker_body()
     void request_task()
     void OldTaskStart(void*)



SAP IQ 12.7 ESD3 
SAP IQ 12.7 ESD4
SAP IQ 12.7 ESD5


Sybase IQ 12.7


stack trace file, stacktrace , shutdown,  crash , , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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