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2052265 - Attribute change run dumps in process chain - BWA


You are facing an issue while executing process chain in SAP BW Accelerator (BWA).
The attribute change run dumps for an InfoCube at a process chain. A problem with the SIDs when updating BWA seems to be the root cause:

Short text of error message:

_GET_SIDTABLES /BIC/X<InfoCube Name> or _GET_SIDTABLES /BIC/Y<InfoCube Name>

Long text of error message:

Technical information about the message:

Message class....... "RSD_TREX"

Number.............. 100

Variable 1.......... "_GET_SIDTABLES"

Variable 2.......... "/BIC/X<InfoCube Name>" or Variable 2.......... "/BIC/Y<InfoCube Name>

In transaction ST22 there is the following error present:

Category               ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors         MESSAGE_TYPE_X
Application Component  BW-BEX-OT
Date and Time          31.03.2014 03:00:07

Information on where terminated                                                                  
    Termination occurred in the ABAP program "CL_RSDDTREX_AGGR_CHANGERUN====CP" -                
     in "_GET_SIDTABLES".                                                                        
    The main program was "RSDDS_AGGREGATES_MAINTAIN ".                                           
    In the source code you have the termination point in line 61                                 
    of the (Include) program "CL_RSDDTREX_AGGR_CHANGERUN====CM006".                              
    The program "CL_RSDDTREX_AGGR_CHANGERUN====CP" was started as a background job.              
    Job Name....... "BI_CHANGERUN_RESTART"



SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator 7.00


BIA, SAP NetWeaver BI Accelerator, TREX_ADMIN, TREXADMIN, attribute Change, C Created, But Not Filled, F Filled, U Unknown, Attribute change run dumps in process chain at ABAP program "CL_RSDDTREX_AGGR_CHANGERUN====CP" in SAP BW Accelerator, message_type_x, internal session terminated with runtime error, job cancelled, rsddtrextabl_ic ,Termination during COMMIT  >>>>>       IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE x100(rsd_trex) WITH '_GET_SIDTABLES' l_xtabl. ENDIF.
   42       LOOP AT l_t_infocube INTO l_s_infocube.
   43         COLLECT l_s_infocube INTO l_sx_sidtables-t_infocube .
   44       ENDLOOP.
   45     ENDIF.
, KBA , BC-TRX-BIA , TREX BI Accelerator , BW-BEX-OT-BIA , BW Accelerator , Problem

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