While attempting to install PowerBuilder 12.5.2, an option is given to install SQL Anywhere 12.
When this option is selected, an error message "Could not launch executable" is displayed.
Another attempt was tried to install PowerBuilder 12.5.2, this time SQL Anywhere 12 installed successfully, but no PowerBuilder product. A third attempt was tried and this time, an error message displayed:
SQL Anywhere 12 Installshield error (-5009 : 0x8000ffff).
One item to note is the ZIP file that was downloaded from has several files that were duplicates, and were prompted to either keep or overwrite. The customer tried both ways but still receive the install errors.
- SAP PowerBuilder 12.5.2
install, installation, setup, error, launch, installshield, extract, zip, sql anywhere, powerbuilder, executable, PB , KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , BC-SYB-IM , InfoMaker , Problem
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