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2054803 - Query with user-defined function returns different results format when SET STATISTICS IO ON is enabled - SAP ASE


  • The SET STATISTICS IO ON command has been executed
  • Query invoking a user-defined function (UDF) is executed
  • Query with UDF result set returned with different format than similar query with system function
  • For example:

Query results with system function:

1> select id, rtrim(substring(token, 1, charindex( ',', token)-1)) from t1
2> go
 ----------- --------------------
           1 aa
           2 bb
           3 cc
Table: t1 scan count 1, logical reads: (regular=1 apf=0 total=1), physical
reads: (regular=0 apf=0 total=0), apf IOs used=0
Total writes for this command: 0
(3 rows affected)

Query results with user-defined function:

1> select id, dbo.f1(token) from t1
2> go
Total writes for this command: 0
Total writes for this command: 0
Total writes for this command: 0
 ----------- ------------------------------
           1 aa
Total writes for this command: 0
Total writes for this command: 0
Total writes for this command: 0
 ----------- ------------------------------
           2 bb
Total writes for this command: 0
Total writes for this command: 0
Total writes for this command: 0
 ----------- ------------------------------
           3 cc
Table: t1 scan count 1, logical reads: (regular=1 apf=0 total=1), physical
reads: (regular=0 apf=0 total=0), apf IOs used=0
Total writes for this command: 0
(3 rows affected)

  • Variable format may cause problems for applications expecting a certain result set format



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.x and above


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0 ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.5


system function, query, resultset , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Product Enhancement

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