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2054835 - Error "Cannot access <parameter>: file does not exist" or usage message shown on execution of command, Copy&Paste from a document - SQL Anywhere


  • The command line got Copy&Paste from an Outlook email or a Word document. And the execution within a DOS-Box (cmd.exe) results in an unexplainable error.
  • According to the documentation the command line, for starting the SQL Anywhere engine or tool, is correct.
  • The start of the SQL Anywhere engine results in an error like
  • The start of a SQL Anywhere tool e.g. dbbackup shows the usage message like:
SQL Anywhere Backup Utility Version

Usage: dbbackup [options] target-directory

        @<data> expands <data> from environment variable <data> or file <data>
Options (use specified case, as shown):

        -aw            enable auto tuning of writers

                       (use -aw- to turn off auto tuning)

        -b blocksize   number of pages in data blocks. Default is 128

  • This issue does not occur when using the TCC/LE Windows CMD Replacement Shell.
  • This issue does not occur when, instead of Copy&Paste the command from the document, type it into the Command Prompt (cmd.exe).

: file does not exist" or usage message shown on execution of command, Copy&Paste from a document - SQL Anywhere"> Read more...


  • SAP SQL Anywhere 16
    SAP SQL Anywhere 12
    Sybase SQL Anywhere 11
    Sybase SQL Anywhere 10
    Sybase SQL Anywhere 9


SAP SQL Anywhere all versions ; SQL Anywhere all versions


KBA , BC-SYB-SQA , SQL Anywhere (on premise, on demand) , Problem

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