1) Detail reports are not available, because they cannot be added to measures and saved persistently. The save option works, but the next time the data source is viewed, the change is gone.
2) The following items in the user interface are grey in color and not available for selection:
Under Advanced Analysis, What-if Analysis and Spend Advisor
Under Administration, Analysis Administration, Crystal Dashboard Administration, Configuration of Quick Links, Related Application Configurations, Spend Advisor Administration, and Multicurrency / UOM Configuration.
Http Watch shows:
INET_E_REDIRECT_FAILED - Redirect to http://host:port/irj/portal
404 http://host:port/sap/poa/sbc/ps/SPM/psres/../payload
500 Error http://host:port/sap/assets/config/lib_localization/localization_config.xml
BI Diagnostics is all green.
SPM, Spend Performance Management
jmhiv, epm-sa, SPM, Spend Performance Management, EPM, SAP SA, SAP SPEND PERFORMANCE MGMT, SAP Spend Performance Management, SAP Spend Analytics, SPM, EPM-SA, SAP BOBJ SPEND PERF MGMT, jmhiv2016e, SAP BusinessObjects Spend Performance Management , KBA , EPM-SA , Spend Analytics , Problem
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