- After a Restore of a Data Dictionary the errors 2, 7041, and 5168 are Logged to the ADS Error Log
- If a Data Dictionary is restored to an empty directory using sp_RestoreDatabase or ADSBACKUP -r, then for each table in the Data Dictionary the errors 2, 7041 and 5168 are logged to the Advantage Error Log (ads_err.adt)
- OS Error 2: "The system cannot find the file specified."
- Advantage Error 7041: "File not found"
- Advantage Error 5168: "AE_INFO_AUTO_CREATION_OCCURED"
SAP Advantage Database Server - all supported versions
SAP Advantage Database Server all versions
ADS, Sybase, error, add, backup , KBA , BC-SYB-ADS , ADS (Advantage Database Server) , Problem
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