- When attempting to update a record in a linked table via ODBC in Microsoft Access, the following error is returned:
- "This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made."
- When attempting to delete a record from the same table the following error is returned:
- "The Microsoft Access database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time."
- SAP Advantage Database Server (All versions)
- Sybase Advantage Database Server (All versions)
- Advantage ODBC Driver
- Microsoft Access
SAP Advantage Database Server all versions ; Sybase Advantage Database Server all versions
ADS, Sybase, open, database, connectivity, configuration , KBA , BC-SYB-ADS , ADS (Advantage Database Server) , How To
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