- 6605 Error (Client comm layer received more data from the Advantage Database Server than it was expecting) when attempting to open a table
- The Advantage error logs the errors 7017(Corrupt IDX, CDX, or ADI index) or 7012(Problem with Advantage server file offset) are logged with the related index file for the table attempting to be opened
- Sybase Advantage Database Server 8.x
- Sybase Advantage Database Server 9.x
- Sybase Advantage Database Server 10.x
- SAP Advantage Database Server 11.x
SAP Advantage Database Server 11.1 ; Sybase Advantage Database Server 10.1 ; Sybase Advantage Database Server 9.1
ADS, Sybase, re-index, corruption, troubles opening a table, ARC, adt, Data Dictionary , KBA , BC-SYB-ADS , ADS (Advantage Database Server) , Problem
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