1. Error: "User does not Exist in target system <child system>"
User is created but Roles are not assigned in the Child System in CUA Plugin System.
This KBA explains the configuration for CUA Settings is required in GRC and how it works with SCUM settings in the CUA Parent and Child System.
2. Error: "You have not logged onto the central system"
User is created in child system, but the error above is shown.
- GRC Access Controls 10.0 / 10.1 / 12.0
- GRC CUA Parent and Child systems
CUA Parent, CUA Child, Plugin system, GRCPINW, GRCPIERP, SCUM settings, SCUA settings, iDoc settings, User Creation, Provisioning Settings, Local, Global settings, GRC 10.0, GRC 10.1, Error, Role assignment, GRCFND_A, SLG1, ST22, Master CUA. , KBA , user does not exist in target system , user does not exist , child system , autoprovisioning , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , GRC-SAC-UAR , User Access Review , GRC-SAC-CONF , Configuration , Problem
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