SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2072089 - Manage Templates - Guidelines for Creating Goal Plans - Goal Management


This article provides guidelines on how to create goal plans and what topics to analyze while creating them.


SAP SuccessFactors Goal Management


Please find below guidelines on how to create your goal plan.

  1. Proxy as a test user with complete hierarchy a.k.a. has a user for each role in your organization.
  2. Click on the tab where your goal plans are located.
  3. Locate a plan in your instance that resembles the new plan that you want to create. The requirement so far is:

    copy goal plan named ______, rename the copy to be ______ and make changes on the copy

Look at the different fields.

  • Are the fields in the order that you want?
  • Do the fields containing dates have the correct default dates?
  • Does the status dropdown selections appear with the correct colors?
  • Do the fields accept the correct type of data? For example, should a text field be able to accept more data and therefore be a textarea field?

Fill out the goal plan.

  • Can you copy from another goal plan? Should you be able to?
  • Do you have write permissions to the correct fields?
  • Do you have read permissions to the correct fields?
  • Can you cascade a goal? Should you be able to?
  • Can you delete a goal? Should you be able to?
  • Can you see private goals? Should you be able to?

Proxy to each member of your test user's hierarchy (their manager, 2nd level manager ...).

  • Search for the test user.
  • do 5b-5f above

Launch a form to a test user that is linked to your goal plan. In the goal section, do the correct fields appear?



  • Goal plan changes are realtime and appear immediately.
  • Make sure to run your reports that will be created after going live.
  • Changes to goal plans impact live forms that are linked to them.
  • Don't wait until the last minute to create your case.
  • Changing requirements after work has started will lengthen the process.
  • It is best to submit all (thorough) requirements at the start of the case.


KBA , csg_q , LOD-SF-GM-ADM , Admin Tools, Settings, Permissions , LOD-SF-GM-TMP , Template Management , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions