SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2072680 - It is Not Possible to Restore a Deleted Goal in Goal Management


  • A goal has been deleted and the user would like to restore it
  • Can a deleted goal be restored or undeleted?


SAP SuccessFactors Goal Management


  • The SuccessFactors Application does not currently support 'un-deleting' the same Goal ID, but the following steps will provide a suitable resolution for most cases
  • The goal can be recreated via the Goal Import option
  • If Beta Goal Import is not available in Admin Tools, please confirm you have admin permission granted for this feature

Note: When a manager deletes a goal for someone on their team, the Delete Goal confirmation message displays the person’s first and last name to make it clear whose goal is being removed

Recreate the Goal:

  1. Export goal data from ad-hoc reports
  2. Update exported goal data ready for import
  3. Re-import data via Beta Goal Import

The new goal import feature can be accessed from Admin > Goal Management > Beta Goal Import.

  1. Using Ad-Hoc reports for Goal Management, create a new adhoc report that includes at a minimum the following fields: Goal Plan ID, Goal ID, Username, Active/Deleted.

Note: If Goal Management is not in adhoc reports, open a case with Customer Success to request these reports be enabled for your instance.

  1. Export this data and save to your desktop
    • Use this data for reference. Copy & paste the records you wish to un-delete into your CSV Import File
    • DO NOT copy the Goal ID, as you will create a new goal with new ID
    • DO NOT copy the Active/Deleted information
  2. Next create a goal import template
    1. Go to Admin tools > Beta Goal Import
    2. From available list of templates select the template you are managing
    3. Generate CSV Header

Note: When the goal plan CSV template is opened it will contain information about the goal plan. The first 5 rows of the template represent the information and header column for this CSV file. These 5 rows should not be modified. This includes the columns defined in the 5th row.

  1. Save the file (making sure it remains a csv file) to your desktop
  2. In the ACTION column, use ADD to add the goal data as a new goal
  3. Copy all of the goal details from your exported file that you need the new goal to contain
  4. If you do not wish to use all values from the export file for any given column (maybe you want those values to be re-entered by the user) then remove those columns from the import or leave the column and use black fields for certain records

Note: Goal data columns always start with the string "OBJECTIVE_" followed by the field name that the goal will act on

Import File Processing

  • The import file is processed top down one action line at a time. As each line is processed, an action is performed (either an ADD, UPDATE or DELETE)
  • As each line is processed a check will be performed. If the action is invalid, a warning message is displayed identifying the problem import row and the reason for the failure
  • If an action is valid, then the add, update or delete action will be performed. Each action has different behavior 

Error Handling

  • The import file is processed one action line at a time. As the action line is processed one or more errors may be returned
  • When an action line is processed, it will return the number of object successfully acted on and the number of lines that could not be acted on and the reason why they could not be processed
  • The user that initiated the import will receive and email with the summary and status of the import


sf, success factors, PMGM, GM, TGM-2890 , KBA , LOD-SF-GM-REP , Reporting and Data Imports Exports , LOD-SF-GM-ADM , Admin Tools, Settings, Permissions , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions