- SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) used to create a copy of an existing Fowarding Order (FWO).
- The FWO type has Enable Instructions enabed in customizing and the FWO has Instructions inserted in the Instructions tab.
- A copy of the FWO is created but the Instructions are not copied over.
- If the FWO type has maintained a Instruction Set, modifications to the Instructions in the set are not copied over.
- SAP Transportation Management 9.0
- SAP Transportation Management 9.1
- SAP Transportation Management 9.2
- SAP Transportation Management 9.3
- SAP Transportation Management 9.4
SAP Transportation Management 9.0 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.1 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.2 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.3 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.4
FWO freight unit agreement, customizing, Instructions, Instruction Set , KBA , TM-FWM , Forwarding Order Management , Problem
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