- DSI goes down due error 207 when trying to replicate a create view:
create view vw_1 as
select * from tb1 where cola < "20140301"
- In the log you can see the message:
E... ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(103(1) server02.dbmsa02) - dsiqmint.c(4722) Message from server: Message: 207, State 4, Severity 16 -- 'Invalid column name '20140301'.'.
H... THREAD FATAL ERROR #5049 DSI EXEC(103(1) server02.dbmsa02) - dsiqmint.c(4735) The DSI thread for database 'server02.dbmsa02' is being shutdown. DSI received data server error #207 which is mapped to STOP_REPLICATION. See logged data server errors for more information. The data server error was caused by output command #0 mapped from input command #0 of the failed transaction.
I... The DSI thread for database 'server02.dbmsa02' is shutdown.
SAP Replication Server 15.7.1 SP121 and later
single, double, quotes , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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