SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2074342 - Cannot drop a user that owns tables in runtime system - SAP IQ


  • The iqunload utility with -au (Schema Unload Mode) option aborted with an error.
  • The SQL error:

***** SQL error: Cannot drop a user that owns tables in runtime system

This file contains the statement that caused the schema reload failure.
To complete the schema reload, you need to modify your database to avoid generating the statement below.
Once you have modified your database appropriately, re-run the schema reload process.
NOTE: You may want to generate the schema only for the database being reloaded,
and load this schema into an empty database to check for sql errors.

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SAP IQ 12.7 (Multiplex Environment).


Sybase IQ 12.7


rs_systabgroup,  runtime system , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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