- When the admin tries to create forms via Admin Center > Mass Create Forms, it fails to create the form for the user;
- When trying to create a form using the Create Form button the form will not create and the users sees the error:
900-001-6 If the problem persists, please contact client support and provide the event code and the server timestamp below.
SAP SuccessFactors Performance Management
Can be due to any of the following:
- Possible data issues, invalid characters, strings too long, or deleted content
- User was removed from the Default User Group when the instance is on RBP
- No folder structure was created for the inbox when the user account was created
- en-US locale for standard elements in data model is missing
Check the person's goal plan and ensure they have not exceeded the 4000 character count as the form will not be able to create form and pull in goal data that is exceeding this standard limitation for PM fields
Check to see if the user has copy and pasted information from MS Word into their goal plan
- Often, when users paste in formatted MS Word data it contains invalid HTML
- Have them remove any text they have pasted in and retry creating the form
Note: It is recommend they type in data or copy it to and from notepad before pasting into PM fields
Make sure there is no special HTML formatting in any competencies applying to the user
- We do not support HTML formatting and putting this into competencies can have undesired impacts
Default User Group when Using Role Based Permission
- On rare occasions it has been seen this error occurs if the user has fallen out of the Default User Group
- As RBP hides this group from you, you are unable to check to see if the user has the correct permission set for Default User Group
- Open an case with Product Support to request this setting be checked on the back end
No Folder structure in place for the user
Open an case with Product Support to request an integrity check of the users Inbox Folders to ensure these were correctly created when the users account was created.
sf, success factors, successfactors, form, creation, performance, performance management, cannot, open, unable, error, message, 900-001-6, mass create forms, create form, PMGM, PM, PMR-2390, PMT-10682 , KBA , csg_q , LOD-SF-PM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , Problem