SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2077403 - Introduction Sections: Adding HTML Links & Formatting in Performance Management


  • Can links and other HTML code be added to forms? Can javascript be added?
  • This KB Article explains what is/is not supported in introduction sections when adding links and HTML.


SAP SuccessFactors Performance Management


  • PM has limited support for custom HTML. For security reasons, there is a limit to what can be added so there is no potential for insertion of malicious code. Javascript, snippets and applets are not allowed. HTML, other than listed below, may work, but it is NOT officially supported as it may break without warning. Support will not assist with any code not in the supported list. Any unsupported code not working should be removed.
  • Section intro text supports the following syntax. Although you can add other html tags not shown below and the html version of the form will appear to render the text correctly, the PDF version of the form will not render the text correctly so using only the syntax shown below is recommended. Be sure to include the closing tags as shown below for the html tags. 

<b> </b>  bold face using html syntax
[BOLD] - alternative bold face syntax
BOLD must be specified in all uppercase. "pipe" sign | must appear immediately after BOLD, no spaces

<i> </i> - italics

<u> </u> - underline

<br> </br> - html line break
[BREAK] alternative line break - BREAK must be specified in all uppercase. "pipe" sign must appear immediately after BREAK, no spaces

[POPUP] invokes the hyperlink in a pop-up window. POPUP must be specified in all uppercase

Example - [[POPUP|Instructions|/doc/custom/invitrogen/Promotability_Scale.htm]]

URL can be fully qualified, e.g. http://…

documents can be hosted by SuccessFactors (if so then URL can use relative reference as in the example above). If users access documents not hosted by SuccessFactors the user may be prompted with a security information dialog box that says the page contains nonsecure items "pipe" sign must appear immediately after POPUP, no spaces<a href="http://">hyperlink name</a> html hyperlink syntax will open in same window as SuccessFactors application recommend using the POPUP syntax instead.

creates a bulleted list. LIST must be specified in all uppercase "pipe" sign must appear immediately after LIST, no spaces

<img src="/logo/Nortel Step1Role.jpg"> - To insert a logo

<fm-sect-intro><![CDATA[<font size=3, color=2554C7><b><u>PPO Development</b></u></font> - Increasing font size (just check PDF print out to make sure it's clean)

&nbsp - Adding spaces to indent bullets or space text
E.g. 1.00 - 1.49 1 Did Not "Make a Difference" / Did Not Meet Expectations <p>

For Partners Only

Example of proper HTML formatting for Performance Management v12 Acceleration forms:

 <p>This is an example of <strong>bold text</strong></p> 
 <p>This is an example of <i>italicized text</i></p> 
 <p>This is an example of <u>underlined text</u></p> 
 <p><ol><li>This is an example of a numbered list</li></ol></p> 
 <p><ul><li>This is an example of a bulleted list</li></ul></p> 
 <blockquote cite=""> 
   <p>This is an example of indented text</p> 
 <p>This is an example of a <a href="">hyperlink</a></p> 
 <p>This is an example of a <a href="" target="_blank">hyperlink</a> that opens in a new window</p> 
 <p>This is an example of <font color="#0000ff">colored text</font></p> 
 <p>This is an example of <font size="4">larger text</font></p> 
 <p>This is an example of an embedded image<img alt="" 
 style="width: 216px; height: 42px;" /></p> 


SF, SuccessFactors, Performance, Management, PM, Templates, Introduction, Section, HTML, PDF, Link, Hyperlink, formatting, format, text, URL, code, supported, unsupported, javascript , KBA , sf performance manage templates , LOD-SF-PM-FRM , Forms & Templates , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions