After upgrading to Solution Manager 7.10 SP12, the following errors appear in SM21 on managed systems:
- Message Text: "Error found in <SID> enrironment, FM= SPBT_GET_CURR_RESOURCE_INFO"
Documentation: "While processing parallel background task, the system discovered an error in the specified function module. The reason for the error is described in the corresponding system log entry. - Message Text: "Enrironment for parallel background task not yet initialized"
Documentation: "The system attempted to execute a function from the "parallel background tasks" area and determined that the environment was not yet initialized. The developer of the program forgot to add a call of the function "SPBT_INITIALIZE" to the program. Notify the developer of the program."
enrironment, FM= SPBT_GET_CURR_RESOURCE_INFO" in SM21 on managed system - Solution Manager 7.10 SP12"> Read more...
- Solution Manager 7.10 SP12 or higher
- ABAP Managed system with ST-PI on SP09 or lower
SAP Solution Manager 7.1
KBA , SV-SMG-MON-ALR-PRV , Metric / Event Provider Connector , SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-EFW , Extractor Framework , Problem
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