You are trying to create a New Fiscal Year in the system. You would like to a create fiscal year for the previous year however, the system defaults the fiscal year to the Current Year instead of the Previous one.
Reproducing the Issue
- Navigate to the General Ledger work center.
- Select the Set of Books and Assigned Companies view.
- Select the row with company and Set of Books combination.
- Click on Edit Fiscal Year.
- Click on New Fiscal Year.
Here, you will notice that the system enters the Current Fiscal Year.
By default the system suggests either the current year or the next following future year when creating a new fiscal year. The Fiscal Year is, however, editable.
Before changing the Fiscal Year to a previous Fiscal Year, you must confirm that the company’s validity starts in this, previous year.
- Go to the General Ledger work center.
- Select the Sets of Books and Assigned Companies.
- Select the row.
- Click on Edit Fiscal Year.
- Click on New Fiscal Year.
- By default, the System creates a Fiscal Year for the Current year.
- You can see that the Field Fiscal Year is editable.
- Change the value to the Fiscal Year value you want to create.
- Press enter and wait for the screen to refresh.
- Click on Save.
KBA , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , How To