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2079937 - Targeted CR List for ASE 15.7 SP50 - SAP ASE


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in future Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) EBF/SP or PL releases. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release.


CR number



Got error during transaction rollback, if the transaction is doing some dml to upgrade row lock to table lock, and have SR cur scan on the same table.


New monitors have been added to collect each engine resource's Engine Local Caches (ELC) performance.


In circumstances whereby the select list of an INSERT SELECT with ORDER BY does not include the 'order by' columns, it is possible that the optimizer will favor a non-matching index scan using an index with the order by column(s) as opposed to a more efficient plan using a matching index scan for one or more of the filter predicates. A new optcriteria cr702725 has been introduced for this change. Use "set cr702725 1" to turn on the change and "set cr702725 0" to turn it off.


In specific circumstances it is possible to receive a 2601 error on execution of stored procedure, the issue is much more likely to happen with 'deferred name resolution'=1. Msg 2601, Level 14, State 6: Server '157', Procedure 'simon', Line 3: Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'sysprocedures' with unique index This can happen when a stored procedure has been initially created, then for the 'first' execution, multiple concurrent connections all run the procedure at the 'same'time. If running with 'deferred name resolution' enabled at create procedure time the error is much more likely to occur. It could also happen in circumstances where the query tree needs to be recreated from text as in after the ASE is upgraded.


Error 14575, "CREATE TABLE WITH COMPRESSION is not supported for in-memory database", followed by error 11050, "Adaptive Server cannot process this ALTER TABLE statement due to one or more preceding errors. If there are no preceding errors, please contact Sybase Technical Support.", and error 11934, "REORG REBUILD of table 'tabname' failed due to an internal error. Please contact SYBASE Technical Support", may be reported when running 'reorg rebuild' command on table which has data or LOB compressedion defined after user is bind to temporary in-memory database.


A 12319 error followed by a stack trace that includes the modules LeMergeStmtOp::_LeOpClose() and dol_def_update() may be reported when a MERGE statement is using cloned plans.


Applications running against ASE on Solaris platform (SPARC and x64) in threaded mode may experience poor performance (response time and throughput). Analysis of sp_sysmon outputs and MDA tables may show high I/O Busy% and high wait times on disk-related events. Solution requires installation of OS patch for Oracle Bug 16054425 and setting ASE configuration parameter "solaris async i/o mode" to 1.


The status field in sp_helpdb output does not give any indication for temporary databases created with durability of "no_recovery" and normal temporary databases.


ASE at times sends extra TDS DONE packet for ct_cancel CT-Lib call.


Execution of a stored procedure sometimes raises message 10334, "Permission related internal error was encountered". The statement being executed involves many UNIONs selecting from derived tables based on a temp table and the server is configured for multiple tempdbs.


On Windows machines having multiple network interfaces i.e. both IPv4 and IPv6, ASE may fail to boot Job Scheduler with error, "JS: Failed to connect on socket" whereas JS Agent log indicates that JA Agent is listening with message, "SYB_JSAGENT waiting for connection".


SELECT INTO and INSERT SELECTs that use UNION statements terminated by a UNION ALL statement may fail with a signal 11 and stack trace that includes the module tree*GcElement::GcGetVar(). This tends to happen if the table being inserted into contains any identity columns that is not explicitly generated in the UNION ALL query.


If there is an UNIQUE index with IGNORE_DUP_KEY option on a partitioned table with many partitions such as 60, the BCP loading performance of OLD DATA may be much slower than that of NEW DATA. NEW DATA means most rows of it will be loaded into the table. OLD DATA means most rows of it will be ignored because they have been loaded into the table.


The Remote Backup Server name is extended to allow the use of IPV6 hostnames with domain name.


The message, "Current process infected with signal 11" followed by a stack trace that includes the module init__data_vs_strategy() may be reported when running REORG REBUILD following which a DROP TABLE is executed.


In ASE 15.7 ESD#2 and above, under some circumstances, ASE may encounter signal 11 or timeslice error with a stack trace involving the module idt_remove_all_reservations() while cleaning up identity reservations assigned for specific object.


A procedure having SELECT INTO a temp table having UNION ALL and encrypted columns could result in wrong data in the target table and a subsequent SELECT from the table will result in a 15417: "An internal error occurred during a decryption operation (error code < n > ). Please contact Sybase Technical Support." error.


Error 207 may occur while running the sp_dboption stored procedure if quoted_identifier is turned on. This may also affect the Sybase Control Center Database Properties dialog by preventing the database options from being viewed or modified within Sybase Control Center.


ASE on Windows crashes due to system exception (0xc0000005) generated by a storage access violation with error message "attempted write to memory location 0000000000000000 from instruction at location 0x0000000000000000".


Columns with more than 65535 unique values, which also have some skewed values (i.e. represented as frequency cells in the histogram) could result in inconsistent histograms in which weights are outside the range of 0.0 to 1.0


Cluster deadlock occurs when process allocating a new page holding LLOL waits on WAIT_FOR_BASTPENDING.


Increase the number of expressions limit in an order by clause from 31 to 200.


Extended stored procedures added using sp_addextendedproc are malformed leading to failure of the extended stored procedure. sp_helpextendedproc shows an extraneous '[' character in the DLL name.


Add signal handler diagnostics for the JS Agent process. Fatal signals are logged in the JS Agent error log.


The PCI Memory management layer is enhanced to better service memory allocation requests for ASE tasks executing JAVA operations. The layer now makes a better decision from where to allocate the requested memory. It either uses the PCI Fragment memory pool for end-user coded objects, or the O/S system run-time for JavaVM internal operations.


Enable auto restart of the Job Scheduler after an abnormal Job Scheduler shutdown.


DUMP DATABASE is getting a inappropriate warning message about DUMP TRAN with truncate_only


An arithmetic overflow error may be reported by the function sp_f_getval when sp_spaceused is executed against large tables.


On tables with indexes, heavy insert activities can lead to 1295 errors, "Unconditional lock request for table or page was made while holding a latch".


When a character set conversion is required for very long string input ( > 255 character), for example converting client Windows code page 1252 to a server using code page 850, if the input string had a character unconvertible to the server character set, the connection would be inappropriately killed (with a stack trace), in addition to the issuance of the server conversion error message.


The message, "An internal memory management error has occurred. Error code: Invalid slot id.", followed by a stack trace involving the modules mda_exec() and mda_populate_monTask() may be reported when querying table monTask with clause KTID=0.


If a LIKE predicate is used, then optimizer estimates for keys for a limiting index scan may be incorrect if a VARCHAR variable is used for the pattern match. This is especially true when there are no pattern matching characters used e.g. r.a LIKE "ABC". optcriteria CR731808 can be used to correct the optimizer estimate issue. Command line trace flag 16965 will also enable the fix.


An ALTER TABLE command issued on a partitioned table where the partition degree is greater than the user's parallel degree may result in various failures.


Under certain circumstances when a threshold action is defined, and user is dropping a procedure, and the procedure happens to be the last row of the sysprocedures page, an 873 error may be reported when log space is low, and the threshold proc gets spawned.


The summary stats for histogram (i.e. unique count, density) generated by hash based statistics gathering may be inaccurate. This could occur when OPTDIAG labels a histogram as "high domain".


------- If a parallel plan's thread count exceeds the session's parallel degree, then the plan will undergo Compiletime Thread Adjustment (CTA). If the plan contains a semantic scan under a semantic dependent operator (join, distinct, group, or union-distinct), then the semantic dependent operator's plan fragment (from its containing xchg op) may have it's degree adjusted incorrectly which could result in wrong results.


An ASE spid with remote I/O may hang when killed. Even reissuing the kill does not help.


A timeslice error may occur followed by a stack trace involving the module itl_au_update_xfer_mark() with executing BCP-IN or update DMLs, if 'transfer table' is set on a large table with data more than 47GB on 2KB page size (95GB on 4KB pagesize, 190GB on 8KB pagesize, 380GB on 16KB pagesize).


ASE allows configuration parameter 'max online engines' to be set to a value lower than 'number of engines at startup' leading to an incorrect value for the parameter 'max online Q engines'. This can result in incorrect calculations for the 'maximum number of engines' resulting in ASE hitting a SIGSEGV followed by a stack trace involving the module ueisonline().


Timeslices may occur with statistics gathering using hashing.


Active roles being reset leading to permission errors.


When a user with sso_role runs a query accessing a table, 2736: "Owner name that was specified is a group name. Objects cannot be owned by groups." error may occur followed by 706: "Process < n > tried to remove PROC_HDR < addr > that it does not hold in Pss." error during recompiling a light-weight procedure if statement cache is enabled. The processed will be terminated.


When using hash based statistics gathering on columns with more than 65535 unique values there is a possibility of inaccurate summary statistics of the range density and range unique counts as displayed in optdiag. This may lead to suboptimal query plan selection.


In rare occasions, Adaptive Server's internal timer becomes non-operational. Such occurrence is reported to the errorlog with messages like “Warning: Alarm Service for Timer non-operational. If this message generated multiple times, report to support and restart the server (alarminterval=-7001)”


DDLGen can generate an incorrect header message while generating ddl for a load profile. Instead of saying 'DDL for LoadProfile', it can say 'DDL for :user'.


ASE hits SIGNAL 11 (SIGSEGV) when it runs out of spinlocks under heavy CT-Lib calls if 'max cis remote connections' configuration value is DEFAULT (which is 0). Setting 'max cis remote connections' to appropriate value is suggested to avoid reserving high number of spinlocks (upto four times 'number of user connections').


monProcessActivity.LogicalReads and monProcessStatement.LogicalReads are unchanged when a long query is executing.


The index page scanning selectivity estimate may be too optimistic for an index, in which a prefix of 0 or more positioning equality predicates (such as r.a = 1 and r.b = 2) is followed by a positioning range predicate such as (r.c > 5) is following by subsequent trailing positioning predicates (such as r.d = 10 and r.e > = 20). The change enabled by the new optcriteria limit_row_constructor will limit the index page scan reduction by at most 50% (in our example it will limit reductions contributed by r.d, r.e).


On a High Availability (HA) System, sp_companion may hang if sp_sysmon is running at the same time.


When the source server is 15.7 ESD#2 or later, sybmigrate -m migrate session may fail with the error, "The catalog 'sysusers' in the target database appears to contain rows which were either installed by the user or were previously migrated. Cannot proceed with migration of 'Users'".


Adaptive Server Enterprise may crash and generate a core dump without any stack trace or messsage while multiple sessions run sp_companion simultaneously in threaded kernel mode.


An ASE task making a remote procedure call to a server with server option 'net password encryption' set to true and 'cis_rpc_handling' disabled can go to sleep indefinitely and the client appears to be hung.


syconfig.exe fails to optimize the server.


A 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page '24' was read while accessing object '2' in database ' < dbid > '. Please contact Sybase Technical Support." may be reported when a 12.5.4 ASE database dump that was made with a 15.7 ESD#4.2 Backup Server is loaded back in a 12.5.4 ASE.


The Backup Server is enhanced to perform consistency checks on Data Only Locked (DOL) index pages besides data pages during DUMP DATABASE execution.


The unreserved space reported by either the stored procedure sp_helpdb or the builtin curunreservedpgs() could be wrong after executing any of the stored procedures sp_addsegment, sp_extendsegment or sp_dropsegment.


A 7949 error, "The number of pages used and unused for object < objid > index 255 partition < ptnid > on allocation page < alloc_page_no > do not match the counts in the OAM entry." followed by error 7940, "The counts in the OAM are incorrect. This implies that there are entries missing. Run tablealloc utility with the FIX option on the table with the inaccurate OAM counts." may be reported by DBCC TEXTALLOC and FULL option after inserting data with BCP into a table that has LOB columns and the option 'lob_compression' is enabled in the target database.


When using hash based statistics collection and over 65535 unique values exist in the column then it is possible that the summary statistics (such as density) may be slightly inaccurate. If one looks at the optdiag output for the column and determines that a range cell is used for the first cell even though only one domain value can fit into the cell, then it is possible for summary statistics inaccuracies. It is possible, but unlikely, that query plans could be adversely affected.


A 3261 error, "You cannot load this dump because it contains functionality that is available only on the server on which it was dumped" will be reported by LOAD DATABASE when trying to load a database dump which was taken while the database option "deallocate first text page" was active, or at least one table in this database had the attribute "dealloc_first_txtpg" set to 2.


A login account that has a login-specific password expiration setting may have the global password expiration setting applied to it if the server encounters a 1204 (out of locks) error during the login attempt.


Place the CR 702346 changes under a trace flag, disabled by default. CR 702346 changes are unlikely to be needed in ASE 15.7 due to different code paths.


In rare circumstances, dropping a connection upon the CIS idle timeout may result in concurrent execution of Ct-library calls which may result in undesirable behavior.


sp_sysmon gives wrong average values for 'Engine Busy Utilization' in process kernel mode.


Under rare circumstances a 696 error: "An attempt was made to read logical page ' < page# > ' for database ' < dbname > ' ( < dbid > ), object ' < tablename > ' ... from disk. Wrong logical page ' < page# > ' was brought into cache 'default data cache'." may be reported in the error log for allocation pages after the execution of CREATE, ALTER or LOAD DATABASE commands in an ASE installation using a page size that is greater than 2K-bytes and when during their execution the message "No large buffers were available, so pages are being cleared by writing each page separately. Please be patient" is reported. Alternatively a 2529 error, "Table Corrupt: Attempted to get page < page# > , partition ID 99; got page < page# > , partition ID 99." may be reported by DBCC CHECKALLOC.


When ASE is configured with the 'process' kernel mode and with several engines, the RepAgent Thread may be infected with signal 11 in the module 'uctSetIssuedCnt' while shutting down with a stack trace reported in the error log which includes the modules 'usctclose' and 'ra_drop_csconn'.


The error 2550, "Missing segment in sysusages segmap", will be unnecessarily reported by DBCC CHECKCATALOG if a database has a fragment with a segmap equal to 0.


Optdiag tool was running as a downlevel ctlib application, so it misinterpreted (and wrongly displayed) bigdatetime and bigtime values reported for statistics.


In certain circumstances, databases, including system databases, can incorrectly get into LOG SUSPEND mode, issuing message: "Space available in the log segment has fallen critically low in database ' < dbname > '. All future modifications to this database will be suspended until the log is successfully dumped and space becomes available." This may happen even though there is much unreserved space in the database. The problem may also manifest in 3475 errors: "There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database < dbname > ."


A 941 error, "Illegal database context operation." may be repeatedly reported in the error log by the housekeeper wash task. An ASE reboot is the only option to stop this message from being reported.


When the stored procedure sp_renamedb is executed from a read-only database, a wrong error message, "You cannot run stored procedure 'sp_renamedb' from a low durability database" is reported. The message should be "You cannot run stored procedure 'sp_renamedb' from a read-only database".


Dump database to TSM API on Windows can fail with the error message "D00: SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator interprocess communication failed with error state = 9, error code=109, system message=Cannot get operating system error tex." Occasionally "system message =The pipe has been ended. Refer to your operating system documentation for further details." can also be reported.


In rare cases, when updating CHAR, VARCHAR or IN-ROW-LOB columns on a PAGE compressed table and there are many non-printable characters in the existing column value, the update may fail.


Diagnostics: Added a diagnostic check to help identify LRU chain issues. Trace flag 897 has been added to enable the instrumentation.


The 3702 error,"Cannot drop the procedure 'sp_aux_getsize' because it is currently in use." will be raised if a user tries to drop the stored procedure sp_aux_getsize before the server has finished the recovery of every database.


When running UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS with SAMPLING command, numerous errors may be reported in the errorlog - 1105 errors: "Can't allocate space for object 'temp worktable' in database 'tempdb' because 'system' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment" and 1764 errors: "Failed to insert row into worktable, when projecting base table on to work table for collecting statistics".


Certain stored procedures created with "execute as caller" and using user defined datatypes may produce 2716 errors at execution time.


The 12320 message, "Fatal internal error encountered when forwarding row < rowid > in table < tablename > , database < dbname > during update. Aborting the transaction" may be reported when updating a DOL row on a table defined as Page Compressed.


Under rare circumstances backup server may produce unpredictable text attached to the dump trailer.


The 18124 message, "No matching configuration options" may be reported when executing sp_configure "solaris async i/o mode"


When auditing option to remove java classes is turned 'on', sp_audit stored procedure returns with a message that the option is 'off'.


Load dump with list_only=create_sql sometimes fails. A Unrecoverable I/O or volume error may be reported.


Backup Server introduces a remote access control feature that prevents remote dumps and loads and execution of remote procedure calls (RPC) from any client or server running on unauthorized servers. Local dumps are not affected by this feature. Authorization to dump or load, to or from Backup Server is achieved by including the authorized hosts in the host.allow access control file. The default location of hosts.allow file is $SYBASE. The location and name can be changed using the Backup Server parameter -h.


Stored procedures using "execute as caller" with builtin functions may attempt to access objects that do NOT belong to the caller (but do belong to the procedure owner).


HK skips flushing log masses causing non-positive wash deficit leading to 839 error


When LOAD DATABASE < dbname > WITH LISTONLY=LOAD_SQL is executed, incorrect output may be generated if the database was dumped using a dump configuration with an external API. As an example "LOAD DATABASE test FROM 'C:\Windows\system32\syb_tsm::test.DB.20130429.171214.000'" may be reported instead of "LOAD DATABASE test FROM 'syb_tsm::test.DB.20130429.171214.000'".


When a query involves multiple subqueries under ORs, and the final plan places the subquery join operator at the top of the plan, then there a much better plan may be skipped. Optcriteria cr738692 will turn on the fix.


A Fault Type Error 100008, "Fixed format error", may be reported by DBCC CHECKSTORAGE if DBCC CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKTABLE is run on a database/table which contains variable length columns previously.


CIS spid in 'terminating' state might hang at times with usctconnect() function in the dbcc stacktrace(spid) output.


Under rare circumstances, a 12313 error: "Internal error: Insert into page id < pageno > of index id < indid > of table 'sysobjects' (id= 1) in database ' < dbname > ' tried to replace undeleted RID ( < pageid > , < rownum > ) at slot < slotnum > and ridposn < ridposn > . Try dropping and recreating the index." may be reported while loading a transaction log dump after onlining the database with STANDBY_ACCESS mode. The fix provides trace flag 3170 to bypass this error. Please turn on trace flag 3170 and reload the dump sequence.


ASE will no longer cache INSERT VALUES statements that has LOB literals exceeding 16k size


When a stored procedure is renormalized, sometimes it could cause SIG 11 stacktrace with s_compile() and s_recompile() if phdr_nondiskres is set for this proc_hdr.


ASE Cluster Edition fails to boot when using EMC devices. A truss on AIX or Solaris will show repeated ioctl system calls.


ASE will fail to startup if I/O fencing is enabled on devices with virtual uplinks.


For share disk cluster database with tables having identity column, Error 2601 "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'sysattributes' with unique index 'csysattributes'" might be hit when executing DUMP DATABASE or REORG REBUILD TABLE if nodes leaving and re-join the cluster. If the cluster is killed, OLD identity value might also be generated.


The message, "Current process infected with signal 11" followed by a stack trace that includes the module ktMuxThreadGetSchedQ() may reported during shutdown and may not lead to a complete ASE shutdown.


If hash based statistics gathering is used (during an update statistics or a create index statement) then there may be a failure if the respective column contains the next to lowest value of the domain but not the lowest value of the domain. The statement may be aborted. e.g. if the column is an unsigned integer then 1 is the next to lowest value and if the column contains a 1 but not a 0, then the statement may be aborted.


ASE logs the message "Expected object passed to utGetThid is not of type thread" repeatedly.


"current process infected with 11" in the module 'proc__findcachedSQLplan' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'lwp_create' and ' freeprocs' may be reported in the error log when a cached statement is normalized which can lead to other ASE tasks to wait indefinitely on the statement cache pool semaphore acquisition.


if a column has more than 65535 unique values then update statistics or create index with hash based statistics gathering may result in an out of order boundary value in the first few cells of the histogram.


Queries with OUTER JOIN and a reference to syscomments.text can get wrong results when "select on syscomments.text" is set to 0.


Generating DDL for a table using ddlgen does not generate ddl for indexes which have been created with sorted_data option


Hard fault 100007 (extent id error) may be reported by sp_dbcc_faultreport if dbcc checkstorage() is run with frequent DDL commands.


If a high domain column (greater than 65535 unique values) has a histogram created by using the hash based algorithm, then it is possible that an inconsistent histogram could be created if there are some skew values in the histogram.


Job Scheduler can fail to execute jobs for users with high SUIDs


Sometimes read for non-syslogs object on a stale syslogs page for a user tempdb results in 692 error (uninitialized page)


When merge join is turned off, a SELECT query joining a local and proxy column with a search using an IN list will not return the correct result. Currently, traceflag 16976 provides the workaround to the problem.


LOAD TRANSACTION of a transaction dump involving the log records of materialization of an indexed table with 'deferred allocation' property may fail with the 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #=x, object id = y, page timestamp=z. Log old timestamp=a. Log record marker =(p, q)."


Error 1514: "Sort failed because it attempted to allocate page < page > and found that the page was busy. Buffer < buffer > contains a cached and referenced page with ptnid < ptnid > indid < indid > and status < status > ." could happen when executing a subquery plan and there is a StoreIndex(reformatting) operator under the subquery.


In rare scenarios, a timeslice error may be reported along with stacktrace which includes modules ind_ides_init, ind__ides_install after using dbcc tune('des_bind') utility.


If a process uses up all the locks (error 1204, "ASE has run out of LOCKS...." reported), then a new login attempt may cause a stacktrace in the function lock_do_logical in the ASE errorlog.


The message "' < version > ' is not a valid target for downgrade." may be reported when downgrade to ESD2 or ESD3 using sp_downgrade_esd.


When executing a subquery with a scalar aggregate ASE may fail to clean up resources and terminate processing after an attention thus leading to the 803 error.


ASE hits signal 11 in canlisten_on_othereng(), which is triggered when an engine on which a listener is running becomes non-responsive.


An 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page < page# > in database ' < dbid > '." may be reported in the error log with a stack trace which includes the modules 'bufnewpage', 'quitfn' and 'log_to_virt' if a session is killed while executing a query that required a work table creation in the tempdb database, or, required page allocations in a different database.


Permission denied errors might be reported when executing nested stored procedures if unrelated roles are modified.


In some cases, runtime rollback of a transaction that is done in parallel (parallel CREATE INDEX, SELECT INTO, REORG REBUILD or ALTER TALBLE (with data copy)) will be incomplete leaving the database in an inconsistent state.


ASE running in threaded kernel mode on the solaris operating system may print a stacktrace showing a SIGSEGV exception at sparclock+0x4 with kssolnetctlrWaitForCompletion() on the stack, after which ASE is non-responsive.


ASE's listener, after migration from a non-responsive engine, might print a repetitive message like "ncheck: select, Operation not applicable" or "poll() returned 32 on socket < # > " to errorlog.


A 691: "Encountered invalid logical page ' < page > ' while accessing < partition > . This is an internal system error. Please contact Sybase Technical Support." error followed by a stack trace that contains the modules getpage_with_validation() and wrongpage() may be reported in the error log under the following conditions: (1) The configuration option "streamlined dynamic SQL" is enabled, either directly or by enabling functionality group and (2) A dynamic prepared INSERT or UPDATE statement is executed on a table that has been created with deferred_allocation and (3) The prepared statement has been executed successfully at least once and (4) The target table that is inserted/updated is dropped and re-created as a defered_allocation table and (5) The dynamic INSERT/UPDATE query is re-executed from the same ASE connection.


An 804 error: "Unable to find buffer ' < buffer_address > ' from cache ' < cachename > ' holding logical page ' < pageno > ' in sdes ' < sdes_address > ' kept buffer pool for object ' < objname > '." may be raised under heavy load of concurrent DMLs when the log is nearly full.


When global login trigger is updated with a new login trigger, ASE error log might report errors like "Could not execute login script for user sa".


An undetected deadlock might occur between a process that ran out of syslogs space and has crossed the last chance syslogs threshold and another process that is attempting to expand the syslogs size by executing an ALTER DATABASE command. The output of dbcc stacktrace( < spid > ) command for one of these two processes will show the modules 'th_sleep_on_lct' and 'upsleepgeneric' whereas for the other process the modules 'writeLock' and 'upyield'. An ASE restart is needed to unblock this situation.


The built-in function set_appcontext mistakenly allows the update of an attribute without running rm_appcontext before.


Sometimes Error 8203: "Expected to find the descriptor for object ' < obj > ' in database ' < n > ' in ' < state > ' state." is raised while involving modules ssql_droptext, procrm.



  • AIX 64bit
  • HP-UX on IA64 64bit
  • Linux on Power 64bit
  • Linux on x86 64 64bit
  • Solaris on Sparc 64bit
  • Solaris on x86 64 64bit
  • Windows on x64 64bit


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 Cluster Edition


CR, ASE 15.7 SP50, ASE 15.7, SP50, Adaptive, Server, Enterprise, Fix, Patch, Error, Bug , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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