SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2080028 - Unable to see Future Dated Hires - Employee Central


  • Unable to see Future Dated New Hires in Employee Central, even if I search with “Include Inactive Users” selected.
  • I have just processed a Future Dated New Hire via Add New Employee Wizard, but I am unable to see the user in Employee Central when searching for them.
  • Why can I not see this new user?

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central

Reproducing the Issue

Example: Today date is 5th May 2013. I have future hired an employee into the Business Unit I am responsible for with a start date of 8th August 2013, but now when I navigate to Employee Central I cannot see this user when I search for them. I need to add the employee’s emergency contact information as this was not available when I added the user to the system.


Role Based Permissions Configuration is Based on Employee Central Effective Dated Job Information fields, and the hire is a future dated hire (date has not yet been reached).


  • This cause is most likely due to the Role Based Permissions being granted to your user account! Most likely a specific Job Information > Business Unit/Department/Location has been used to grant the target population you have access to.
  • From the example given above, you would not see this New Hire in Employee Central until their Effective Start Date is reached, at which point their Job Information record will become active, and the RBP Group that points your Target Population to the Job Info > Department/Business Unit/Location/etc field will become active.
  • Note: until active (based on Effective Start Date), the employee will not be considered to be part of that business area, as the Job Information record is not yet active.
  • This issue can be resolved by changing the way you configure the Role Based Permissions to handle Target Population Assignment.
  • Below is an example of the typically used Role Based Permission Group configuration for the Target Population you want your users to have access to, in which you have specified what Job Information > Business Unit the target population will include. As per our example above, we have granted the HR Manager access to the Business Unit “Healthcare” -:


And this Group has then been assigned as the Target Population to a Role, like below:


  • In our example, the configuration will only allow the HR Managers who have access to the Healthcare target population, to see employees in the Healthcare Business Unit only. But, the HR Managers will not see any pending Future Hires when searching in Employee Central until the user is placed in the Healthcare Business Unit. This happens the day the New Hires Job Information record becomes effectively active (in our example this would happen on 8th August 2013, a couple of months after you created the New Hires account and records).
     This can be a hindrance for HR Managers, as they may need to update some info for the employee before their hire date is reached and their records become active.
  • To avoid granting Target Population = All permissions to your HR Managers, you can instead configure the RBP Group to grant the same population, but instead of pointing out which Business Unit they should see, you can permission to instead Exclude all the other Business Units they should not see.
     This way, users who have future dated Hire records will not be excluded from the Target Population returned to this Role. Please see below for an alternate configuration example -:

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  • Configuring as per the example above still stops the Healthcare HR Manager from seeing Employee Central data for Employees in the Excluded Business Units selected, but the HR Manager would see all future hires’ Employee Central records.
  • Note that the Active Group Member count is higher because of the amount of Pending Hires we have in our system. This number will change daily as future hire dates are reached and these future hires Job Information records become active, they will drop out of this “unclassified” area and into their respective Business Unit.

caution.jpgThe above configuration is an example, and would allow the HR Manager to see ALL future hires in the system, even if those future hires are in other Business Units.

  •  The reason for this that when a New Hire has been approved/saved and their records have been created in the system, the system will sync the HRIS data from Employee Central to Employee Profile, and therefore whatever fields you usually sync to Employee Profile can be permissioned via the Employee Profile field, which is not restricted by effective dating. Usually the data would become available in Employee Profile on the effective date of the Employee Central record, but in the case of a New Hire, the data is added to Employee Profile before the effective start date of the New Hires records, so that the system can create the needed user account.

          This only happens in New Hire scenario! This does not apply to ReHires.

  •  You can further restrict what future hires the HR Manager can see in Employee Central by adding another category to the exclusion block, but this time, ensure it is a non-effective dated field, such as a field held in the User Data File. An example would be a CustomXX field, or even the standard Department, Division and Location fields in the User Data file.

  • The configuration don't applies for the Search for People and Actions search (Header), this configuration just applies for the People Search under My employee Files.

See Also

2798822 - Accessing Future Transfers and Hires


future dated hire, dg filters, dg groups, dg-filters, future hire, permissions, ep, ec, ec fields, ep field, ec permissions, ep permissions, ec dg, ep dg , KBA , csg_q , sf employee central , LOD-SF-EC-RBP , Roles & Permissions (EC Core only) , LOD-SF-PLT , Platform Foundational Capabilities , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions


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