You have changed product attribute definition in order to changed attribute in the product. After these changes still the old value is shown.
For example, you edited attributes in product category account in order to make Account Number field under Correspondence Recipient Tab as required. Now Account Number field under Correspondence Recipient Tab can be customized as mandatory on the product attribute level, see the pictures bellow:
Then you create account in transaction BCA_CN_ACCT_01 and you see that Account Number field under Correspondence Recipient Tab of an account is shown as optional:
SAP Banking: Banking Services from SAP 5.0 and higher
FS-AM, core banking, transactional banking, package FSPR_ATTRIBUTES_Y, Product Configurator: Definition of Attributes, SAPLFSPR_ATTR_DIA_Y, by default, cross-client customizing , KBA , FS-AM-PR-PR , Product Definition , FS-AM-CM-AC , Account , FS-AM-PR , Product Management , Problem
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