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2080750 - Targeted CR List for ASE 15.7 SP60 - SAP ASE


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in future Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) EBF/SP or PL releases. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release.

CR NumberDescription
464605 The "enable large pool for load" configuration parameter is added to configure the use of large buffer pools during the recovery phase for LOAD DATABASE and LOAD TRANSACTION commands execution. This configuration parameter will default to 0 if "enable functionality group" is set to 0, and to 1 if "enable functionality group" is set to 1.
545716 Long Running Transaction against an SAP ASE server can prevent the log being truncated, causing risk of data unavailability for DMLs. Improve how this can be managed.
546891 Permissions on "sysslices" system table remain unchanged when "GRANT DEFAULT PERMISSIONS ON SYSTEM TABLES" or "REVOKE DEFAULT PERMISSIONS ON SYSTEM TABLES" SQL commands are executed.
653277 An UPDATE query running in a batch that includes a CREATE INDEX or UPDATE/DELETE STATISTICS or an UPDATE query running simultaneously with a workload that involves CREATE INDEX or UPDATE/DELETE STATISTICS may lead to data inconsistency.
656902 If a query contains a join between partitioned tables and one of the partitioned tables degenerates to a single partition through dynamic partition elimination and there is a CIS table in the query, then a SEGV could occur in the PartNodeInfo::collocatedSite() method.
703607 Backup Server is enhanced to provide Multithread support needed for Tivoli Storage Manager options such as LAN-FREE. This support is off by default. It can be turned on by using the new –D8192 option during Backup Server startup. For example: ${BACKUPSERVER} -SSYB_BACKUP -I$SYBASE/interfaces -M${SYBMULTBUF} -D8192&
724472 In rare circumstances, recreation of in-memory databases during start up of SAP ASE may hang when there are more than one in-memory databases with the same template database. SAP ASE can still be used, but an attempt to use the in-memory databases that are not recreated will result in an error 962, "Database with ID ' < value > ' is not available. Please try again later." being reported.
725315 The VERIFY option for the DUMP and LOAD commands does not give the user any indication of whether errors were found or not. The errors are currently reported only in the backupserver errorlog.
726439 Under some rare conditions, if there is a HASH AGGREGATE operator above a JOIN operator, wrong query results may occur.
726936 When I/O fencing is enabled, the server may fail to correctly fence the devices and start up. Need environment variable SYBASE_MAX_MULTIPATHS to override number of paths iterated which should be set to 1 if PowerPath is enabled.
728903 Under some rare conditions, if there is a HASH AGGREGATE operator above a JOIN operator, wrong query results may occur.
729022 For some special table name, REORG REBUILD and ALTER TABLE fail with an infected with 11 error on IdentifierType::IdentifierType.
729795 The incorrect message "The dump configuration ' < value > ' supplied for SELECT is invalid. The change is completed. The option is dynamic and ASE need not be rebooted for the change to take effect." may be reported by sp_config_dump with an option that is longer than the supported length.
730656 Cache bindings may be ignored if a 'strict' database recovery order is specified.
731753 If ALTER TABLE is used to add a NOT MATERIALIZED column < c2 > with a default, then another nullable column < c3 > is added to the table and REORG REBUILD the table, a query to the table will also assign the default to the column < c3 > .
731769 In case of an exception, SAP ASE hits an error 1265 while aborting / rolling back the transaction. Abort or rollback of the transaction may happen because of some internal / external error. Error: 1265, Severity: 20, State: 1 An illegal attempt was made to release an invalid lock or a lock that is not owned by the process family.
732631 REORG REBUILD < table_name > WITH ONLINE command, does not update the index create time-stamp(index_created field in sp_helpindex output) for the indexes rebuilt.
733346 The stored procedure sp_dropexternlogin will fail when executed by a user that has SSO_ROLE and not SA_ROLE when granular permissions is not enabled.
733428 The "recovery prefetch size" configuration parameter is added to configure the lookahead size (in terms of log pages) in order for recovery to prefetch to-be-recovered pages. When set to 0, SAP ASE will automatically optimize the value.
733752 The estimate for NULLs in the optimizer may be incorrect if hash based statistics gathering is used, when the number of unique values in the column is greater than 65535.
734176 If DBCC DBREBOOT is unsuccessful for some reason, the status in sysdatabases may sometimes incorrectly indicate that a forced shutdown is in progress, even after SAP ASE has been shutdown and rebooted successfully.
734470 When SAP ASE is booted with trace flag 7437 it will not switch from an OAM scan to an allocation page scan when an incorrect page count value in one or more OAM entries is found during boot time recovery and while calculating the free space page counts for a database.
734617 Adaptive Server 15.7 may execute SELECT queries at isolation level 3 on Data Only Locked scheme tables slower than SAP ASE 15.0.3 or 15.5 if the session executing the SELECT query holds a large number of locks.
734800 Backup Server may occasionally report a spurious error when executing a DUMP or LOAD WITH VERIFY[ONLY], as a result of checking a page that is already deallocated. This is more likely to happen when the deallocated page belonged to compressed table.
734899 A 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page < pageno > was read while accessing database ...", may be reported after loading an in-memory database dump from a database where this page was used but was marked as deallocated incorrectly, resulting in this page not being archived in the dump.
734983 Added new option SET PLAN SHARED ON and server wide param 'abstract plan sharing'. It enables Abstract Plan sharing between different users. Tables in the query with shared abstract plan must be explicitly prefixed with the owner name or belong to the DBO user.
735003 The built-ins or stored procedures that rely on OAM for space accounting get blocked on an exclusive table lock on the table.
735107 A 247 (arithmetic overflow) error may be reported when the syscachepoolinfo and syscacheinfo MDA tables are queried.
735256 Sometimes an insert query with union view or derived table with union in which tables have check constraint, could cause a signal 11 (SIGSEGV) and a stacktrace in errorlog involving the function NormalizeScalar().
735346 ALTER TABLE on a data compressed table may lead to heap memory (CPINFO pool) corruption. ASE stacktraces may be seen involving the functions kbfalloc() and cpinfo_allocbufs().
735516 Need a mechanism to change the size of Engine Local Cache (ELC). By default ELC is 50 % of configured procedure cache size.
736426 The Java Compile Suite layer in Adaptive Server that is responsible for UDF/ADT support and SQLJ queries execution towards the target JavaVM has been enhanced to allow the release of intermediate allocated Java objects. This was causing the JavaVM heap memory allocation to be exhausted under a heavy load application environment.
736603 In some rare cases, accessing a system table could result in 8201 error being raised.
737108 Assertion fail in le_subst.cpp maybe raised when index only contains fixed-length columns.
737524 In rare circumstances, an 8201 error, "Keep count of descriptor (objid= < obj_id > , dbid= < db_id > ) was expected to be 1. Instead 2 was found" followed by a stack trace that includes the modules des__clean() and des__scavenge() when a system is running out of descriptors.
737628 Intelligient index scan may lead to non-optimal index in plan selection.
737879 When backup server is started with trace flag –D2048, the pages that have been allocated after the backup server built a list of pages to be archived and before the related allocation page is read by sybmultbuf, will be resent. Prior to dump a database one can run “SYB_BACKUP…qatraceon 105” that will add appropriate messages in the backup server error log when a resent has occurred.
738117 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module ssql_release() or ssql_choose_victims() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the statement cache is full in a high concurrency SAP ASE environment.
738196 A core dump facility is added to the sybmon configurable shared memory dump feature. This is supported only on Windows platforms.
738403 The show_cached_plan_in_xml() function reports incorrect timings on the AIX platform.
738675 Database device remapping is disabled when a database is loaded with VERIFY.
738790 Some user queries might cause segmentation fault with signal 11 when auditing and compatibility mode options are turned on.
739074 In some scenarios, a database in single user mode could be used by a user session that is not expected to be using the database.
739784 If a table is altered and is present in an UNION query in a derived table which is further defined in a VIEW, it could lead to permission denied errors.
739932 The optimizer estimates involving columns defined as BIGDATETIME and BIGTIME types may be suboptimial.
740020 Under rare circumstances on Windows NT 64-bit platform ASE may stop with no errors being reported while processing Web Services requests that involve the execution of Java code.
740221 Under heavy network load, SAP ASE on the Windows platform may hang.
740471 The loginfo() built-in may return wrong values for parameters 'can_free_using_dump_tran', 'oldest_active_transaction_pct', 'stp_span_pct' for databases having mixed log and data segments.
740957 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'LeBulkOpOpenCleanup' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'LeBulkOpOpen' may be reported in the error log while migrating data from one platform to another using sybmigrate.
740987 In rare circumstance, the size of non-unique indexes on DOL tables may grow very quickly if lots of data is inserted, or the index columns are updated frequently.
741330 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules sparclock() and kssolnetctlrWaitForCompletion() may be reported in the error log when SAP ASE is running in the threaded kernel mode on the Solaris operating system after which the ASE may become non-responsive. This issue only affects SAP ASE on the Solaris platforms.
741386 Schema creation is incorrectly logged for DDL replication if the CREATE SCHEMA is not the only statement in the batch and when the statement cache is ON.
741487 A timeslice error followed by a stack trace that involves the module buf__unhash_and_keep_grabbed_mass() may be reported in the error log during HASH based statistics gathering.
741621 SAP ASE reports invalid process status messages like "kpsched: kpid 1962483841 bad status 0x400414" followed by "upstatus: kpid = 1962483841, status 0x400414 not valid". The exact bad status may vary across messages.
741786 A 706 error, "Process < pid > tried to remove PROC_HDR < phdr > that it does not hold in Pss", may be encountered when an SQL statement is executed and it is either stored in the SQL statement cache or it is a dynamic SQL statement and during execution a regeneration of the statement query tree from SQL text is required and an exception is encountered during the parsing of the corresponding SQL text.
741799 The Sybmon restart command fails with an error, "Unknown command", when executed without specifying an engine number for a server running in process kernel mode.
741822 When create a huge size database(data size > 63G), stack trace including module pg__gam_extend() may be detected. For example executing statement as "create database testdb on ldev1='50m', #nulldev='7t', ldev2='50m' log on ldev3='50m'", it will hit the stack trace.
741847 The 3051 message, "The dump configuration '' supplied for DUMP DATABASE is invalid", can be mistakenly returned for the valid dump configuration which has a 30 bytes long name.
741901 When a CREATE INDEX command is executed and the following conditions are met, (1) The configuration option, 'enable functionality group' is on and (2) The table upon which the index is being created has datarows locking scheme and (3) The first index-key column contains at least one NULL value and (4) a Lava parallel execution plan is used, then the resulting index may be missing rows for the NULL-valued columns.
741910 Enable a login with mon_role to execute sp_monitorconfig on SAP ASE 15.7
741924 An undetected deadlock might occur between a process that ran out of syslogs space and has crossed the last chance syslogs threshold and another process that is attempting to expand the syslogs size by executing an ALTER DATABASE command. The output of dbcc stacktrace( < spid > ) command for one of these two processes will show the modules 'th_sleep_on_lct' and 'upsleepgeneric' whereas for the other process the modules 'writeLock' and 'upyield'. An SAP ASE restart is needed to unblock this situation.
741959 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module mda__process_sdes() may be reported in the error log when querying the monProcessObject MDA table.
742098 A 1265 error, "An illegal attempt was made to release an invalid lock or a lock that is not owned by the process family (lr= < value > , lrmagic= < value > )" together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'th_lct_admin' and 'num_logpages' may be reported in the error log if the builtin lct_admin("num_logpages", < dbid > ) is executed concurrently by several processes.
742152 On a server that has a large number of objects, the sp_sysmon report may take a long time to complete and error message 1508, "Create index aborted on duplicate rows. Primary key is < keyname > ", may be reported in the error log.
742158 If 'literal autoparam' is enabled, the sometimes a print statement that uses a literal in a stored procedure could lead to remap error 2805 'Bad pointer 0x%p encountered while remapping stored procedure '%.*s'. Must re-create procedure.'.
742168 When SAP ASE is running in process mode, if the dynamic listener is on a hung engine, SAP ASE may continuously report , "necheck: select, Bad file descriptor" in the errorlog.
742216 Booting an SAP ASE may fail permission checks with an error message, "Permission denied, database master, owner dbo. You need the following permission(s) to run this command: MANAGE SERVER CONFIGURATION", when the configuration parameter 'enable granular permissions' is set in the default configuration file.
742233 Queries performing isnull() on a variable assignment may return null when ‘streamlined dynamic SQL’ is enabled.
742249 With single engine configurations, a SAP ASE polite shutdown request may hang if the JS Agent is executing a job whose spid is set to LOW priority.
742292 Sybmon might get hang with huge garbage SQL text printed when running "sample context=y" command.
742312 DDLGen generates duplicate partition values when a range or a list partitioned table has a local index
742356 An 803 error, "Unable to place buffer < buf > from cache < cache_name > holding logical page < page_num > in sdes for object < object_name > - either there is no room in sdes or buffer already in requested slot", may be reported when running a multiple table join under parallel processing.
742376 The built-in function set_appcontext() mistakenly allows the update of an attribute without running rm_appcontext().
742407 Add extra diagnostics for the data change fragment pool in order to help catch incorrect memory accesses of the data change fragment pool and thus also improve robustness.
742434 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'pthread_kill' together with a stack trace will be reported in the error log on Linux platforms only, when the Java option is enabled, the Kernel mode is set to process mode, and the PCI option is disabled.
742485 If 'stack size' is configured too small, sometimes it could lead to error, 'Stack guardword corrupted', with OmniQuickPass::generateSelect(), OmniQuickPass::generateStatement() in the stacktrace when select large number of columns for a remote table.
742603 The PhysicalReads value in the monProcessActivity and monProcessStatement MDA tables do not include APF Reads. The PagesRead value in the monProcessActivity MDA table is also incorrect.
742667 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module ulpspinlock() and kstcpnetctlrCancelRequests() may be reported by an SAP ASE running in the threaded kernel mode on the Solaris platform. The SAP ASE may subsequently hang.
742762 Under some circumstances, an 8203 error, "Expected to find the descriptor for object < object_id > in database < db_name > in < state > state", followed by a stack trace that include the modules ssql_droptext() and procrm() may be reported in the error log.
742782 Sometimes, sp_showplan may cause a signal 11 (SIGSEGV) with a stacktrace reported in the errorlog involving the function listChildQueries().
742786 In very rare circumstances, error 1765 (related to level 0 scan) could be raised unexpectedly.
742871 If 'procedure cache' is configured too small for a heavy loaded server, it could lead to stacktraces with s_chooselocks(), s_setup_lockrequest() and insert_to_heap().
742896 In some cases, SAP ASE may report a timeslice error in module shm_mergedump() when "memory dump compression level" is set as non-zero value.
742914 DDLGen cannot generate a 'GRANTED BY' permission clause when run against SAP ASE 15.7 SP50 and higher versions.
742987 An 814 error, "Keep count of buffer < buf_num > in cache < cache_name > holding logical page < page_id > in database < db_name > has become negative", followed by an 837 error, "Attempted to grab wash header" may be reported during UPDATE STATISTICS or CREATE INDEX.
743045 When log segment of a database exhausts and tasks involving page allocation are in progress, ASE could hit 804 error : "Unable to find buffer '0x..' from cache '...' holding logical page '...' in sdes '0x...' kept buffer pool for object '...'.
743055 A SAP ASE that running in threaded kernel mode on the Linux or HPUX operating systems may print a stack trace including ulpspinlock and kstcpnetctlrCancelRequests and thereafter the SAP ASE becomes non-responsive.
743075 The configuration option, 'enable plan sharing' is no longer automatically enabled when the configuration option, 'enable functionality group' is enabled. The option 'enable plan sharing' must now be enabled explicitly.
743177 System stored procedures, such as sp_password, sp_extrapwdchecks, sp_addlogin, do not have asterisks stored in audit table for password parameters when 'exec_procedure' auditing option is on.
743211 During BCP for a table which has undergone an ALTER TABLE DROP column with no datacopy operation, ASE may send wrong default values for columns to the client.
743270 When an APL table is defined as PAGE COMPRESSED and contains a clustered index, some duplicate rows may be inserted successfully even though this is not allowed.
743486 Auditing of GRANT and/or REVOKE commands may cause a timeslice error when the command contains many whitespaces.
743573 The message "Current process infected with signal 11" in the module NormalizeScalar() with a stacktrace which includes the modules PesState::PesInit() may be reported when executing an UPDATE...FROM query on a table that has immediate refresh pre-computed result set (PRS) defined on it.
743637 MERGE triggers on DOL tables may return the incorrect number of rows for the inserted table: too few rows for the UPDATE trigger and possibly too many rows for the INSERT trigger.
743676 Wrong data may show up in page-compressed APL table with all fixed length columns.
743775 Audit table records might be malformed or missing for table access events when auditing is turned on.
743913 When a new plan for a procedure is installed, the accumulated metric LogicalReads in the monCachedProcedures table for the cached procedure maybe incorrect.
743922 In rare circumstances, a SELECT FOR UPDATE query may return successfully without getting the exclusive lock on the row, even if READPAST mode was not being used. This only affects the AIX platforms and has been identified as an AIX compiler optimization issue when high levels of optimization are used on a specific module.
744013 In a High Availability server, sp_addlogin and sp_addremotelogin will fail with permission errors when the user executing the stored procedures is granted sso_role only.
744116 The SAP ASE Rep Agent thread sends float values ending in .0 without the .0 which makes them appear to be integers instead of floating point values. This can cause statement caching to create multiple plans for the same table leading to contention in the statement cache and degrading query performance.
744256 In rare circumstances, soft fault 100015 (page loop error) reported by DBCC CHECKSTORAGE may be upgraded to hard fault after running DBCC CHECKVERIFY.
744283 When the SAP ASE builtin function ABS() is given a bigint or integer minimum value, a negative result is returned.
744375 The scheduled jobs configured using the Job Scheduler, with 'repeats' value greater than one day (eg. repeats=2d or repeats=25h or repeats=1441m) may run daily at the incorrect time.
744389 The message, "Current process infected with signal 8 (SIGFPE)", followed by a stack trace that includes the module sam_setup_ptn() may be reported in the error log under rare circumstances.
744484 The datatype of 'starttime' output parameter of sp_xact_loginfo is not correct. This results in a NULL value in starttime when executing the stored procedure with the 'oldestactive' option.
744571 The DBCC utility reset_cached_plan_stats incorrectly checks for granular permissions.
744713 Backup Server may wrongly issue the message, "The change is completed. The option is dynamic and SAP ASE need not be rebooted for the change to take effect", for an invalid configuration with a config_name more than the 30 bytes allowed.
744810 If 'cis connect timeout' is exceeded, the local process with P_OMNI_TIMEDOUT set will continue to sleep.
744842 Memory usage keeps increasing when querying MDA tables in a loop in stored procedure.
744872 The 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page < page_no > was read while accessing database < dbname > , object 'syslogs' (8), ...", could be raised if the loginfo() built-in function is executed concurrently with DUMP TRANSACTION.
744975 An incorrect index can be selected when a query contains a multi-column ORDER BY, if the avoid_bmo_sorts optcriteria is turned on explicitly or thru enabling the ase_current optimization level. If a sort is used below a nested loop join, and the ordering that the sort produced contains a unique key, and the ordering is extended by the nested loop join and eventually used to satisfy the ORDER BY, then this plan may be skipped if the avoid_bmo_sorts optcriteria is turned on.
744978 TEXT/IMAGE data could be corrupted by byte-swap if the database once performed cross-platform database load on 15.0 ESD#2 or later version of SAP ASE, and the database was originally from a pre-12.0 version of SAP ASE.
745071 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module TcsState::tcs_merge() may be reported in the error log when optcriteria cr702725 is enabled and the query invokes referential integrity check and has an attribute in the ORDER BY clause which is not in the selection list.
745184 Execution of stored procedures containing statements that are executed using deferred compilation causes the original SQL text in the monProcessSQLText MDA table to be replaced.
745325 Boot SAP ASE with trace flag 9166 when dbcc logtransfer replication is used to diminish the likelihood of contention on the Network Memory Pool spinlock that can cause high CPU utilization when a user table is marked for replication. Don't use trace flag 9166 with Rep Agent replication because operations such as DDL replication or request functions won't work anymore.
745599 In rare circumstances the message "current process infected with 6" in the module '__systemcall' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'jvmfini' and 'BRIDGEjvm_AbortJavaVM' may be reported in the error log during the execution of a UDF/ADT or SQLJ query.
745872 When the command: sp_online "engine", < 42 > .. fails, i.e due to OS resource issue, SAP ASE's listener will hang, preventing new connections to be established.
745873 In rare cases a 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page ' < pageno > ' was read while accessing database ..." may be reported sometime after loading a database dump that was taken of a database in both Enterprise Edition and Cluster Edition, that had been created on devices with “direct i/o” turned on, or taken of a database in a Cluster Edition system only, that had been created on devices with “dsync” turned on.
745888 The FIPS ciphersuites are stricter in OpenSSL not all ciphersuites that were supported by Certicom in FIPS mode are supported by OpenSSL.
745914 DBCC CHECKALLOC may report an incorrect number of unreserved log pages after ALTER DATABASE LOG OFF fails to remove a log fragment because some of the pages to remove are allocated.
746156 In some rare cases, when DOL data pages are undergoing deallocation while table scans are concurrently executed on the table, inserts from other concurrent threads may incorrectly qualify to-be-deallocated pages. This may result in 7928 or other index corruption errors reported from DBCC CHECKTABLE.
746261 SAP ASE CE hangs when it cannot access storage devices due to a fencing or storage disconnect.
746285 Enhancement that adds the possibility to add a cyclic redundancy check to a database or transaction dump created with compression (VERIFY=CRC), as well as to verify that the compression blocks can be correctly read and decompressed (WITH VERIFY=READ_AFTER_WRITE).
746312 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module mda_calc_proc_hdr_mem_KB() may be reported in the error log while querying the MDA table, monProcessProcedures.
746330 When sp_maplogin LDAP, NULL, 'create login' enables an authenticated LDAP user to create their own login and master database replication is enabled, the CREATE LOGIN statement on the replicate database gets error: "Message: 10331, State 2, Severity 14 -- 'Permission denied, database master, owner dbo. You need the following permission(s) to run this command: MANAGE ANY LOGIN. " The error is mapped to stop replication.
746344 SAP ASE may hang when doing a disk mirror in some situations. The disk controller thread consumes 100% of the CPU utilization while the server hangs. Also, no new connections to the server can be established.
746349 Backup Server introduces a remote access control feature that prevents remote dumps and loads and execution of remote procedure calls (RPC) from any client or server running on unauthorized servers. Local dumps are not affected by this feature. Authorization to dump or load, to or from Backup Server is achieved by including the authorized hosts in the host.allow access control file. The default location of hosts.allow file is $SYBASE. The location and name can be changed using the Backup Server parameter -h. This feature failed when the connection to the backup server was through a named pipe.
746442 Backup Server introduces a remote access control feature that prevents remote dumps and loads and execution of remote procedure calls (RPC) from any client or server running on unauthorized servers. Local dumps are not affected by this feature. Authorization to dump or load, to or from Backup Server is achieved by including the authorized hosts in the host.allow access control file. The default location of hosts.allow file is $SYBASE. The location and name can be changed using the Backup Server parameter -h. This feature failed when the connection to the backup server was through a AF_UNIX socket.
746464 Stored procedures using "execute as caller" with queries that call builtin function ISNULL() and create and query #temporary tables fail with error: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1: Server ' < servername > ', Line 26: < #temporary_table > not found.
746528 Killing a task which involves cursor or work tables might cause the server to hang, waiting for EX_LATCH on an allocation page on which EX_LATCH had been acquired by the same task before the 'kill' was issued on it. (A diagserver throws an 872 error).
746562 A trigger defined on MERGE statement executing both INSERT and UPDATE actions may return incorrect rows for inserted table for the INSERT action. This happens if the same trigger is defined for both INSERT and UPDATE: "create trigger T on TAB for insert,update as ..."
746597 In some cases an error may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog, accompanied by a stack trace with the functions kbfalloc() and ptn__pdes_init_colupdcnt() in the stack.
746601 When a table which is defined as compressed, and there is some fixed length column which is 'not null' and 'not materialized' in this table, update (index) statistics on this table may hit stack trace and SIGSEGV at decompress__column_by_colinfo().
746614 INSERTs using normal page allocation running alongside operations using large-scale page allocation (LSA) scheme can overwrite the content put in by LSA operations in certain race circumstances between them.
746620 A process can hang when executing ALTER DATABASE and DUMP DATABASE if another process goes to sleep when allocating a new page.
746736 The text for error 9218 mistakenly stated sp_enable_rep_agent as opposed to sp_config_rep_agent in order to enable the Rep Agent for a given database.
746994 The DISK REMIRROR command hangs after simulating a disk I/O error on a mirrored device.
747209 The builtin function MAX() may return an incorrect value when used with a compressed table.
747251 During extreme insert load on APL tables with clustered index, during page allocation, server might hit error 8419 as : Error: 8419, Severity: 20, State: 3 Could not find index descriptor for objid 240003886, indid 0 in dbid 19.
747648 A 3478 error: "During undo the page timestamp value is less than new timestamp from log...", or a 3474 error: "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log...", or a 12337 error: "Page < pageid > in database < dbname > was incorrectly found to be uninitialized when it was read. Recovery of this database cannot continue." may sometimes be reported during recovery if the server crashed while a transaction doing a CREATE TABLE operation was rolling back.
747686 sybrestore is not able to restore databases when the source server is 15.7 SP50 or 15.7 SP51 version
747778 After loss of ASE_ENCRYPTION license, DROP ENCRYPTION KEY generates a segmentation violation and stacktrace.
748000 SAP ASE running in process kernel mode may hang waiting for disk IO completion.
748027 The error IO_UNCOMPRESS_BUF_E, "The 'uncompress' call failed for database/archive device while working on stripe device < filename > with error number 0 (The operation completed successfully)." could be raised by sybmultbuf when using a block size bigger than the default.
748031 To fix a potential window in buffree() when cache spinlock is released and without checking buffer is added to LRU.
748086 When DOL data pages are undergoing deallocation and table scans are concurrently executed on the table, inserts from other concurrent threads may incorrectly qualify to-be-deallocated pages. This may lead to error: "12316: Attempt to garbage collect a deallocated data page 13407 in table 'table1_PDR', database 'onlinedb'. Aborting the transaction" could be seen
748258 A dynamic sql statement with a LIKE and ESCAPE or builtin with more than one declaration in a where clause could have a performance issue if the plan is removed from procedure cache.
748519 Various errors like 206, 4701, 247 maybe given when using EXECUTE AS CALLER procedure with select into a temporary table or create index statements.
748941 installTemplateXml.bat fails with EOF error
749101 The connection to a backup server can be rejected if the client host has multiple IP addresses and the entries in the target backup server hosts.allow file are not authorizing the first remote IP address. Likewise, the connections will be rejected if the host name used in the first column of the hosts.allow file specifies a host alias different from the actual host name.
749138 A SELECT query with an abstract plan on the table with more than 2000 range partitions returns an error 422 : "Too many nested expressions or logical operators to compile. Try splitting query or limiting ANDs and ORs."
749156 A 3474 error: "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log." and other miscellaneous errors can be encountered upon loading a transaction log dump containing a CREATE INDEX transaction on a table that has compressed data and nonmaterialized columns having default values.
749479 A Parallel query that uses a shared worktable may result in a 940 error "Dbtable in wrong state for Operation" and the process being terminated.
749721 In rare circumstances, a2601 error, "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object ' < name > ' with unique index ' < index name > '", may be reported during the load of an 12.5 database in a 15.7 dataserver.
749941 SAP ASE might report a SIGSEGV stacktrace in mda_flush_iostats() when "enable monitoring" is set to 1.
750617 There is high spinlock contention on the dbt_spin for some user workloads even when not using multiple databases.
750763 An SAP ASE task keeps sleeping in remote i/o state even if the connection terminates while the SAP ASE task is executing a query to the remote SAP ASE. This problem may occur if the client program executes a query accessing a proxy table. You have to kill the spid manually.
751034 If the DUMP DATABASE is run on a database, a 691 error, "Encountered invalid logical page < page id > while accessing database < database name and id > , object < object name and id > , index < index name and id > , partition < partition name and id > . This is an internal system error. Please contact Sybase Technical Support.", might be reported when running SELECT INTO cmd to create a proxy table in this database.
751238 On the Windows platform, an SAP ASE server might fail to start up if it uses the -r option to specify the mirrored device. dcmpmirror and kdactivate messages are reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
752555 A 697 error, "An attempt was made to fetch logical page ' < page_id > ' for < info_of_db_obj_index_partion > from cache ' < cache_name > '. Wrong logical page ' < page_id > ' was found in cache." may be raised during a transaction rollback if the transaction promotes row locks to table locks for some table.
752871 A 644 error "Index row entry for data row id ( < page# > , < row# > ) is missing from index page < page# > of index id < value > of table ' < name > ' in database 'name'. Xactid is ( < page# > , < row# > ) ). Drop and re-create the index." may be reported when a clustered index on a Data Locked Only table permits duplicate keys and the index refers to pages with logical page numbers higher than the value of 2147483647.



  • AIX 64bit
  • HP-UX on IA64 64bit
  • Linux on Power 64bit
  • Linux on x86 64 64bit
  • Solaris on Sparc 64bit
  • Solaris on x86 64 64bit
  • Windows on x64 64bit


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 Cluster Edition


CR, ASE 15.7 SP60, ASE 15.7, SP60, Adaptive, Server, Enterprise, Fix, Patch, Error, Bug , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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