You want to install a multiple-host SAP HANA database without standby nodes in a non-shared environment. (If you have standby nodes then it's a storage shared SAP HANA environment.)
Data and logs are on each host have separate storages. When installing the SAP HANA Database, installation stops with error below:
Output line 1:
Output line 2: adding host <hostname> to distributed landscape with role=worker, group=default, subpath=2 ...
Output line 3: error 5514: cannot modify the system;host to be added cannot access shared data,log path:
Output line 4: - if path should be shared: mount path before addhost
Output line 5: - if path is not shared: set global.ini/[persistence]/basepath_shared=no but then host failover and standby hosts are not possible
Output line 6: failed.
Program terminated with exit code 1
INFO: Add new host '<hostname>' to SAP HANA Database system '<SID>'
INFO: Checking whether the operating system is ready to perform gcc assemblies
INFO: Starting external program /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<Instance>/exe/hdbnsutil
INFO: Command line is: /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<instance>/exe/hdbnsutil -reconfig
INFO: Output line 1: nameserver <hostname>:3<instance>01 not responding.
INFO: Output line 2: done.
INFO: Program terminated with exit code 0
INFO: Switching back to root user.
INFO: Starting at host '<hostname>', parameters: instance number = <instance>, user = <sid>tadm
ERR : Cannot establish http connection to unix domain socket '/tmp/.sapstream50213' (No such file or directory)
INFO: Messages from trace files
ERR : Add host failed
SAP HANA, platform edition
scaleout, scale out, non-shared storage, basepath_shared, global.ini, [persistence] , KBA , slave , master , slave node , master node , HAN-LM-PLT , SAP HANA Platform Lifecycle Management , How To
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